A FileMaker Template for the Real World

Complete is a fully unlocked, multi-user solution you can use as the foundation for your own project. We’ve done the tough work of linking contact, project, and invoice activity to the calendar. Now, you can build on this foundation, doing the more satisfying work of adding fields and modifying layouts to meet the needs of your business.

We want to always be able to say yes to our customers. To say, “Yes, we can do that for you.” SeedCode Complete makes saying yes a lot easier for you.

SeedCode Complete

SeedCode Complete offers a comprehensive framework for contacts and project tracking. It’s more than a calendar, it’s a massive head start on your next FileMaker database.

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Relationship Graph in Complete

Download a picture of the relationship graph in SeedCode Complete.

Complete Testimonials - 1

Your product, SeedCode Complete is awesome. Thank goodness for it.

— Howard Haimovitch

Complete Testimonials - 2

I really appreciate all the clean, well thought out work the went into making Calendar ProDev Complete. This was the first time I decided to use an 'open' package as a staring point and I couldn't be happier with the results.

— Max B.

Complete Testimonials - 3

I'm continually amazed at the flexibility you've put into SeedCode Complete. The scripts are so well documented, and even broken out into separate scripts at all the right places, that about anything is possible.

Unlimited Users


(click “add” for your currency)

Unlimited users for one install

  • Unlocked for you to customize
  • Tuned for WebDirect
  • High-Touch support
  • Includes contacts, projects, invoices, and purchase orders
  • Includes DayBack Calendar!
Up to 10 Users


(click “add” for your currency)

Total price (not $2,139 per user)

  • Unlocked for you to customize
  • Tuned for WebDirect
  • High-Touch support
  • Contacts, projects, invoices, and purchase orders
  • Includes DayBack Calendar!
Up to 5 Users


(click “add” for your currency)

Most Popular

Total price (not $1199 per user)

  • Unlocked for you to customize
  • Tuned for WebDirect
  • High-Touch support
  • Contacts, projects, invoices, and purchase orders
  • Includes DayBack Calendar!
More Options


We offer a Vertical Market License for $6,999 if you wish to use Complete as the basis of an application you’re distributing widely: what we used to call “shrink wrapped” software.

Folks who’ve purchased an older Complete since Jan, 2012 can upgrade to the new one at a discount.

Upgrade to the Unlimited User license: $2,859

Upgrade to the ≤ 10 User license: $1,549

Upgrade to the ≤ 5 User license: $819

To upgrade to the Vertical Market License from the regular license, please contact us.

How Are Users Counted?

SeedCode Complete counts users by the person, not the device. So a person who connects on a laptop and a desktop, for example, would be seen as ONE user. And these are actual users, not simultaneous users. WebDirect users are people too, so if the same person connects on WebDirect and on Pro they'd be counted as one user. Someone who just connects on WebDirect would also count.


Answers to common questions, and instructions for extending Complete, can be found in our docs here: FAQ.

Does This Work in WebDirect?

Yes. SeedCode Complete was designed to run in WebDirect--and that means it runs *really well* in regular FileMaker Pro. There are some tricks to getting the most out of WebDirect and you can read up on our recommendations--and some of WebDirect's limitations--here.

What is High-Touch Support?

If you have a problem integrating one of our products, we’re here to help. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] or call us at 855-733-3263. We’re happy to answer your questions or take a look at your files to help you get back on track.

If you are more of a do-it-yourselfer, we have extensive online product documentation at http://www.seedcode.com/docs/ , and you can search our support forums to see if your question has already been answered.

Our products are sold as unlocked FileMaker files and can be customized and extended to suit your needs. If you would like our help with custom development, consulting or coaching, we offer pre-paid "implementation packages" starting at three hours: http://www.seedcode.com/implementation-packages/

If you still can’t find the answer you need, or if you just have some feedback for us (positive or negative), feel free to email or call. We love hearing from our customers and want to help.

Requirements: FileMaker 13-19

Complete works on Mac or Windows and on iPads via FileMaker Go. It requires FileMaker 13.0v3 or higher. Using WebDirect requires FileMaker Server 13.0v3 or higher.

Need a 30-day trial of the latest version of FileMaker Pro? Download a fully functional trial here.

DayBack Calendar
DayBack's 30-day trial is unlocked so you can customize it and integrate it with your files.
Download DayBack and we'll send you a couple short emails with tips on how to modify it and use some of the coolest features.
Thank you! Please download: DayBack Calendar
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