Learn FileMaker SQL – Write Queries Faster

SQLexplorer lets you use FileMaker metaphors you already know, like Relationships, Search, Sort, and more, to write sophisticated SQL queries. You can then copy and paste the resulting queries right into your FileMaker 12 files with all the correct calculation syntax. Follow our simple SQL Wizard to create and test SQL queries against your own data.

Complete online documentation and step-by-step videos.

SQL Explorer

Learn FileMaker SQL using FileMaker metaphors you already know. Follow along in our wizard and you’ll be writing queries against your own data: queries you can paste into your own files.

Download - It's Free

Testimonials SQLx - 3

I want to thank you for your free copy of SQL Explorer. I wanted to start using FileMaker's SQL function, but I was flailing. Your tool assisted me in making the statements I needed, quickly too! That in itself would have been enough, but it also quickly taught me quite a bit about SQL syntax. Within a very short time it has given me the confidence and know-how to write my own statements. Thank you!

- Dan Pouliot

Testimonials SQLx - 2

SQL Explorer won the 2012 FileMaker Excellence Award Winner for "Solution of the Year."

Testimonials - SQLx

I LOVE SQLExplorer!! Thankyou & thank again! @seedcode @TeraPicoData Abstracted copy rocks!! w00t!! :)

SQL Explorer

still Free

Getting Started & Docs

To start using the explorer you can jump right in by tweaking the queries it comes with. To get the most out of it, though, add table occurrences from your own files to the graph and you’ll be able to query your own data right in the explorer.

SQLexplorer is completely free to you to modify and extend; if you distribute it, please keep the attribution to SeedCode and our logo on the Queries layout.

Check out the docs to learn more.

Learn More

We've written a series of blog posts on FileMaker SQL if you'd like to dig deeper.

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