
Gantt Charts

DayBackOnline.GanttCharts History

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January 19, 2016, at 07:03 AM by -
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DayBack Online does not include a gantt chart view; we just couldn't finish it in time.

But because DayBack Online is always being improved, we'll be adding the gantt chart soon and delivering it to you as an in-app update.

Here's a preview of where we're heading with the gantt charts for DayBack:

We've added a couple of capabilities that may help fill the gantt chart requirement for some customers until we have that view done: we've added multi-day resources scheduling which lets people look for gaps across multiple dates (up to 14 days at a time):


The Gantt Chart is called "Horizon" view in DayBack and was added as an in-app update in December of 2015.

You'll find a nice introduction to the Gantt Chart, along with a movie of it in action there: Gantt Charts in DayBack Calendar

Alternatives to the Gantt Chart

In addition to the gantt chart there are a couple other capabilities that may help you look at your schedule across multiple days. DayBack has multi-day resources scheduling which lets people look for gaps across multiple dates (up to 14 days at a time):

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The gantt chart will eventually let you look at longer ranges than these two views (>14 days) but for now these two views should be a real help and may be all some customers need.

We're very psyched with where the gantt chart is going; we just don't have more to share at this point.


Nov 24, 2015 We've posted a preview of that gantt chart that should be shipping in December.


November 24, 2015, at 06:04 PM by -
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We've added a couple of capabilities that may help fill the gantt chart requirement for some customers until we have that view done: we've added multi-day resources scheduling which lets people look for gaps across multiple dates (up to 14 days at a time):

The other feature that can help balance your workload is the "grid view" which is like a pivoted version of the multi-day resource view:

The gantt chart will eventually let you look at longer ranges than these two views (>14 days) but for now these two views should be a real help and may be all some customers need.

We're very psyched with where the gantt chart is going; we just don't have more to share at this point.


Nov 24, 2015 We've posted a preview of that gantt chart that should be shipping in December.

June 30, 2015, at 12:44 AM by -
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The first build of DayBack does not include a gantt chart view; we just couldn't finish it in time.

But, because DayBack lets us deliver updates seamlessly?, we'll be adding the gantt chart soon and delivering it to you as an in-app update.

You may recall that you already have the FileMaker pieces you need for the gantt chart on the Source No 1 layout you used when you integrated DayBack with your file. =)


DayBack Online does not include a gantt chart view; we just couldn't finish it in time.

But because DayBack Online is always being improved, we'll be adding the gantt chart soon and delivering it to you as an in-app update.

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But, because DayBack lets you deliver updates seamlessly?, we'll be adding the gantt chart soon and delivering it to you as an in-app update.


But, because DayBack lets us deliver updates seamlessly?, we'll be adding the gantt chart soon and delivering it to you as an in-app update.

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But, because DayBack lets us deliver updates seamlessly?, we'll be adding the gantt chart soon and delivering it as an in-app update soon.

You'll recall that you already have the FileMaker pieces you need for the gantt chart on the Source No 1 layout you used when you integrated DayBack with your file. =)


But, because DayBack lets you deliver updates seamlessly?, we'll be adding the gantt chart soon and delivering it to you as an in-app update.

You may recall that you already have the FileMaker pieces you need for the gantt chart on the Source No 1 layout you used when you integrated DayBack with your file. =)

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What is the Gantt Chart used for?

While the gantt chart looks a bit like the calendar's grid view, they are really for different things, and the gantt chart is best at looking at the activities over the course of a project. If you don't have project records in your file, you likely don't need the gantt chart.

On the grid view, each row is a resource in the calendar, so you can have may activities associated with that one resource: this makes the grid view great when you're looking for gaps in your schedule.

Rows on the gantt chart, in contrast, each represent an event, so you'll never see more than one thing happening in a row of the gantt chart.

A few other things to note...

The gantt chart can show any range of dates (any range 2 weeks or longer) while the grid view can show any 2 week range, or events within a single day when it is set to show hours or minutes (the gantt view will not show hours, only days).
You can filter the gantt chart as you can the calendar, to show just items for a single resource or a single project.
The chart's default sort is by project, but you can also sort by date. Sort buttons are just above the column of event names.

Can I delete the Gantt Chart view if I don't need it?

Absolutely. The gantt chart is just a tab on the calendar: enter layout mode, double click the tab control and delete the gantt tab. Just be sure to do that on the "Calendar - no Side Bar" layout also.

When do items show up on the gantt chart?

When you first arrive at the gantt chart, it will show you all the events which match the active filters occurring in the two weeks starting from the focus date of the calendar. Once you're on the chart, you can select any range of dates you'd like using the default date ranges at the bottom of the screen, or the "custom" range button which lets you type in your own dates.

If some of the events on a project occur before the left hand side of the chart, we'll preface the project or phase name with "..."

Tips & Tricks

Shift-Drag to change duration. If you hold down the shift key when dragging the start or end of an event, you can change the duration of the event. (this works in other calendar views as well).
Show just a single project's events by selecting that project on the calendar's filters tab. You can also show just one project by visiting that project's layout (SampleProjects) and clicking "view on gantt chart". This is a button you'll likely want to add to your project's layout.
Chained Items. Items with a little chain beside then are tied together? within the project so that changes to the dates of one linked item cascade through to change the dates of downstream items on the project.
Quickly jump to a project. by clicking on any event for that project and clicking the green arrow pointing to the project's name (this also works in other views of the calendar).
Printing. Printing the gantt chart is limited to what you can see on screen. If you need more sophisticated printing options we may be able to build something for you as a custom modification, so please get in touch.

Adding fields to the Gantt Chart layout.

You can add fields to the left side of the gantt chart (the white column before the gantt bars) and even make that area wider if you'd like to allow for more fields. How you do this differs depending on which version of the calendar you have.

Calendar Versions prior to v7

The fields on the left side of the gantt chart (the ones on a white background) are simply fields from the CalendarEvents table and you can add any calendar event fields here you'd like. You can also add fields from any of the TOs related to SampleEvents:


You'll want to copy and paste one of the fields already there--ideally a field from the same table occurrence you're hoping to add a field from--as the fields already there are conditionally formatted to only show on the right rows. This formatting prevents the project name, for example, for displaying on top of the event name for every event on the project.

Calendar Versions > 7

In order to get access to the fields in your events table you'll need to make a new relationship. On the relationships tab of manage database, create a new instance of your events table named something like "SampleEventsDirect" (append "Direct" to the name of the table occurrence you're using for events). Link this to CalendarRows as shown below:

Once that relationship is in place you can add any fields from "SampleEventsDirect" to a row on the gantt chart: this works in both the regular gantt chart and the one in WebDirect.

You can also add fields from table occurrences you'd like to related to "SampleEventsDirect".

When adding fields to the gantt chart be sure to apply a "hide objects when" calc so the new field only shows up on rows that are events. That hide calc is:

CalendarRows::CalendarSourceReptCalc ≠ "Event"

Adding rows to the Gantt Chart layout.

You may want to increase the size of the gantt chart by showing more rows, or maybe you'd like to add a scroll bar to it. In this case you can adjust the number of rows that can be displayed at the beginning of the script "Load Calendar Settings - Each Redraw" by changing the value of the variable $$sc_GanttRows


Where is the Gantt Chart in DayBack?

The first build of DayBack does not include a gantt chart view; we just couldn't finish it in time.

But, because DayBack lets us deliver updates seamlessly?, we'll be adding the gantt chart soon and delivering it as an in-app update soon.

You'll recall that you already have the FileMaker pieces you need for the gantt chart on the Source No 1 layout you used when you integrated DayBack with your file. =)

Here's a preview of where we're heading with the gantt charts for DayBack:


July 15, 2014, at 01:50 PM by -
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You can add fields to the left side of the gantt chart (the white column before the gantt bars) and even make that area wider if you'd like to allow for more fields. How you do this differs depending on which version of the calendar you have.

July 15, 2014, at 01:48 PM by -
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Calendar Versions prior to v7

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Calendar Versions > 7

In order to get access to the fields in your events table you'll need to make a new relationship. On the relationships tab of manage database, create a new instance of your events table named something like "SampleEventsDirect" (append "Direct" to the name of the table occurrence you're using for events). Link this to CalendarRows as shown below:

Once that relationship is in place you can add any fields from "SampleEventsDirect" to a row on the gantt chart: this works in both the regular gantt chart and the one in WebDirect.

You can also add fields from table occurrences you'd like to related to "SampleEventsDirect".

When adding fields to the gantt chart be sure to apply a "hide objects when" calc so the new field only shows up on rows that are events. That hide calc is:

CalendarRows::CalendarSourceReptCalc ≠ "Event"
February 25, 2013, at 12:48 AM by -
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When you first arrive at the gantt chart, it will show you all the events which match the active filters occurring in the two weeks starting from the focus date of the calendar. Once you're on the chart, you can select any range of dates you'd like using the default date ranges at the bottom of the screen, or the "custom" range button which let's you type in your own dates.


When you first arrive at the gantt chart, it will show you all the events which match the active filters occurring in the two weeks starting from the focus date of the calendar. Once you're on the chart, you can select any range of dates you'd like using the default date ranges at the bottom of the screen, or the "custom" range button which lets you type in your own dates.

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You'll want to copy and paste one of the fields already there--ideally a filed from the same table occurrence you're hoping to add a field from--as the fields already there are conditionally formatted to only show on the right rows. This formatting prevents the project name, for example, for displaying on top of the event name for every event on the project.


You'll want to copy and paste one of the fields already there--ideally a field from the same table occurrence you're hoping to add a field from--as the fields already there are conditionally formatted to only show on the right rows. This formatting prevents the project name, for example, for displaying on top of the event name for every event on the project.

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You may want to increase the size of the gantt chart by showing more rows, or maybe you'd like to add a scroll bar to it. In this case you can adjust the number of rows that can be displayed at the beginning of the script "Load Calendar Settings - Each Redraw" by changing the value of the variable $$sc_GanttRows


You may want to increase the size of the gantt chart by showing more rows, or maybe you'd like to add a scroll bar to it. In this case you can adjust the number of rows that can be displayed at the beginning of the script "Load Calendar Settings - Each Redraw" by changing the value of the variable $$sc_GanttRows

May 20, 2012, at 03:20 AM by -
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The gantt chart can show any range of dates (and range 2 weeks or longer) while the grid view can show any 2 week range, or events within a single day when it is set to show hours or minutes (the gantt view will not show hours, only days).
The gantt chart can show any range of dates (any range 2 weeks or longer) while the grid view can show any 2 week range, or events within a single day when it is set to show hours or minutes (the gantt view will not show hours, only days).
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Absolutely. The gantt chart is just a tab on the calendar: watch this video walkthrough of how to delete that tab from the calendar.


Absolutely. The gantt chart is just a tab on the calendar: enter layout mode, double click the tab control and delete the gantt tab. Just be sure to do that on the "Calendar - no Side Bar" layout also.

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Small Version. The calendar's small layout does not have a gantt chart as there just isn't room to display the information required in such a small space.
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You'll want to copy and paste one of the fields already there--ideally a filed from the same table occurrence you're hoping to add a field from--as the fields already there are conditionally formatted to only show on the right rows. This formatting prevents the project name, for example, for displaying on top of the event name for every event on the project.

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You may want to increase the size of the gantt chart by showing more rows, or maybe you'd like to add a scroll bar to it. In this case you can adjust the number of rows that can be displayed at the beginning of the script "Load records into Gantt Chart" by changing the value of the variable $$sc_GanttRows


You may want to increase the size of the gantt chart by showing more rows, or maybe you'd like to add a scroll bar to it. In this case you can adjust the number of rows that can be displayed at the beginning of the script "Load Calendar Settings - Each Redraw" by changing the value of the variable $$sc_GanttRows

May 20, 2012, at 02:47 AM by -
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Rows on the gantt chart, in contrast, each represent an event, so you,ll never have more than one thing happening in a row.


Rows on the gantt chart, in contrast, each represent an event, so you'll never see more than one thing happening in a row of the gantt chart.

May 20, 2012, at 02:47 AM by -
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The gantt chart was introduced in version 5.6 of the Pro Calendar.

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Adding rows to the Gantt Chart layout.

You may want to increase the size of the gantt chart by showing more rows, or maybe you'd like to add a scroll bar to it. In this case you can adjust the number of rows that can be displayed at the beginning of the script "Load records into Gantt Chart" by changing the value of the variable $$sc_GanttRows

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Can I delete the Gantt Chart view if I don't need it.

Absolutely. The gantt chart is just a tab on the calendar: watch this 'video walkthrough of how to delete that tab from the calendar.


Can I delete the Gantt Chart view if I don't need it?

Absolutely. The gantt chart is just a tab on the calendar: watch this video walkthrough of how to delete that tab from the calendar.

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Can I delete the Gantt Chart view if I don't need it.

Absolutely. The gantt chart is just a tab on the calendar: watch this 'video walkthrough of how to delete that tab from the calendar.

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While the gantt chart looks a bit like the calendar's grid view, they are really for different things, and the gantt chart is best at looking at the activities over the course of a project.


The gantt chart was introduced in version 5.6 of the Pro Calendar.

While the gantt chart looks a bit like the calendar's grid view, they are really for different things, and the gantt chart is best at looking at the activities over the course of a project. If you don't have project records in your file, you likely don't need the gantt chart.

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You can filter the gantt chart to show just items for a single resource or a single project.
You can filter the gantt chart as you can the calendar, to show just items for a single resource or a single project.
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Showing just a single project on the gantt chart. You can type in part of the project's name on the filters tab to show just that project, or click the name of one of the active projects listed on the "More" tab. Click a project once again to de-select it.
Chained Items. Items with a little chain beside then are tied together? within the project so that changes to the dates of one linked item cascade through to change the dates of downstream items on the project.
Quickly jump to a project. You may jump to a project by shift-clicking on its name jn the list of active projects. Alternately, click on any event for that project and click the green arrow pointing to the project's name (this also works in other views of the calendar).
Use the filter "show only milestones" to include only events tagged as milestones. (The event detail layout contains a checkbox to tag an items as being a milestone or not. Events created from process templates? are automatically tagged as milestones.)
Show just a single project's events by selecting that project on the calendar's filters tab. You can also show just one project by visiting that project's layout (SampleProjects) and clicking "view on gantt chart". This is a button you'll likely want to add to your project's layout.
Chained Items. Items with a little chain beside then are tied together? within the project so that changes to the dates of one linked item cascade through to change the dates of downstream items on the project.
Quickly jump to a project. by clicking on any event for that project and clicking the green arrow pointing to the project's name (this also works in other views of the calendar).
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Small Version. The calendar's small layout does not have a gantt chart as there just isn't room to display the information required in such a small space.
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The fields on the left side of the gantt chart (the ones on a white background) are simply fields from the CalendarEvents table and you can add any calendar event fields here you'd like. You can also add fields from any of the TOs related to CalendarEvents:


The fields on the left side of the gantt chart (the ones on a white background) are simply fields from the CalendarEvents table and you can add any calendar event fields here you'd like. You can also add fields from any of the TOs related to SampleEvents:

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What is the Gantt Chart used for?

While the gantt chart looks a bit like the calendar's grid view, they are really for different things, and the gantt chart is best at looking at the activities over the course of a project.

On the grid view, each row is a resource in the calendar, so you can have may activities associated with that one resource: this makes the grid view great when you're looking for gaps in your schedule.

Rows on the gantt chart, in contrast, each represent an event, so you,ll never have more than one thing happening in a row.

A few other things to note...

The gantt chart can show any range of dates (and range 2 weeks or longer) while the grid view can show any 2 week range, or events within a single day when it is set to show hours or minutes (the gantt view will not show hours, only days).
You can filter the gantt chart to show just items for a single resource or a single project.
The chart's default sort is by project, but you can also sort by date. Sort buttons are just above the column of event names.

When do items show up on the gantt chart?

When you first arrive at the gantt chart, it will show you all the events which match the active filters occurring in the two weeks starting from the focus date of the calendar. Once you're on the chart, you can select any range of dates you'd like using the default date ranges at the bottom of the screen, or the "custom" range button which let's you type in your own dates.

If some of the events on a project occur before the left hand side of the chart, we'll preface the project or phase name with "..."

Tips & Tricks

Shift-Drag to change duration. If you hold down the shift key when dragging the start or end of an event, you can change the duration of the event. (this works in other calendar views as well).
Showing just a single project on the gantt chart. You can type in part of the project's name on the filters tab to show just that project, or click the name of one of the active projects listed on the "More" tab. Click a project once again to de-select it.
Chained Items. Items with a little chain beside then are tied together? within the project so that changes to the dates of one linked item cascade through to change the dates of downstream items on the project.
Quickly jump to a project. You may jump to a project by shift-clicking on its name jn the list of active projects. Alternately, click on any event for that project and click the green arrow pointing to the project's name (this also works in other views of the calendar).
Use the filter "show only milestones" to include only events tagged as milestones. (The event detail layout contains a checkbox to tag an items as being a milestone or not. Events created from process templates? are automatically tagged as milestones.)
Printing. Printing the gantt chart is limited to what you can see on screen. If you need more sophisticated printing options we may be able to build something for you as a custom modification, so please get in touch.

Adding fields to the Gantt Chart layout.

The fields on the left side of the gantt chart (the ones on a white background) are simply fields from the CalendarEvents table and you can add any calendar event fields here you'd like. You can also add fields from any of the TOs related to CalendarEvents:

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