From SeedCode Documentation

SeedCodeComplete2: RefreshingTheCalendar

When does the calendar refresh?

Editing Events

When you click on an event in the calendar, we present the event in an Event Details mini window. When you close that window we try to refresh the calendar if you've modified the record, provided you've clicked the green "check" button at the bottom of the window: if you close the window using the Close Window command or the red close button on the window frame, we simply close the window and don't attempt to refresh the calendar.
If you're interested in how this works, we're recording the modification state of the record when the window is opened (and this supports having multiple Event Detail windows open at once). Then when you click our blue button to close the window we're checking the modification count and refreshing the calendar if the event was modified.
If you'd like to add some additional behaviors to the process of editing an event, add them to the script "Close Window & Refresh Calendar" right before or after the commit step after the comment "Commit Record".

The refresh button

You'll see a "refresh" button in the calendar header to the right of the arrows that move to the next dat/week/month. This button is there in case you'd like to manually ask the server if there are any new events to display. The calendar caches the events it draws and doesn't continually ask the server for new events: this is one reason the calendar is so much faster than traditional FileMaker calendars.
This means, however, that edits and new event records won't just show up on your calendar without any interaction on your part. Normally this isn't a big deal as the calendar requests new events from the server each time you edit a record, filter the calendar, or switch views. But if you're just staring at your screen, you may want to click "refresh" to make sure you have the latest data from the server.
Note that while this doesn't sound very "FileMaker like", most complicated screens (and certainly most traditional calendars) don't "refresh" automatically either, since the relationships they use for display are too "deep" to respond to notifications of new or edited records from the server.

Refreshing when arriving at the calendar layout

The calendar layouts have a script trigger assigned to them which will refresh the calendar each time you arrive at the calendar layout.

Refreshing iCal sources

If you've set up one of your sources as an iCal URL you many not want to refresh the URL each time you refresh the calendar (as pulling down the URL contents is the slowest thing the calendar does). So we've created a method by which you can specify how often you'd like that URL refreshed.
On the Source No X layout you've mapped to this source (as part of your integration) you'll see a value for "Refresh Every" on the "Recommended" tab. Edit this value in layout mode to reflect the number of hours you'd like to wait between refreshes of the URL. With this value in place, we'll only include the URL in regular calendar refreshes (such as when switching views or editing an event) every X hours.
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Page last modified on February 03, 2010, at 10:39 PM