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Report with info from 2 tables

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:04 pm
by jim shelton
Can I do a report that shows data from 2 different tables? Do I create a new table called Reports?

Jim :D

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:15 pm
by John Sindelar
You can of course include related fields on a report, but I don't think that is what you mean

So at the end of the day, each FileMaker layout is based on one table occurrence. That usually means one found set (one table) but you do have options...

• You can include portals from other tables, but they don't slide that well (you can collapse the number of rows, but not the height of each row).

• In FileMaker 9 you can append twp pdfs together- pdfs from two different layouts- into a single document.

• You can use an old trick of capturing some of the other table's report contents as an image and shoot that into a container field in your primary layout for use in your report. Definitely a hack, but some more contemporary versions of this have promise, such as writing one table's report contents to html and then showing that html in a web viewer within another table's layout.

• You can import from the relevant tables into a new reporting table and base your report layout on this new table. Some people keep the records created in this way, using them to aggregate data, and some folks destroy the records after printing or after a month or so.

• Or you can just present two layouts, printed one after another in a single print job.

using report table

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:57 pm
by jim shelton
How does one begin the Table method? I played with creating a new table but could really see how to bring the information in. Do a create 2 sets of fields for the report?
