Adding Multiple contacts to project by Role
Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:13 am
by kkoldewyn
I'm trying to figure out a way to link multiple contacts to projects - in this case, I'm trying to link contacts to the project by their role, ie, attorney, expert, client, etc. I want to show a portal on the project layout as well as on the contact layout, with a way to add new related contacts.
I started by creating a new table instance of Projects and contacts, and creating a relationship between them, but I'm not sure where to put the new fields for Roles. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:58 am
by John Sindelar
Hi Ken,
To add multiple contacts you probably want to create a new join table between CalDailyAppointments and CalDailyApptContacts. This join table would only have 3 interesting fields: an appointment ID, a contact ID, and a field for the contact's role in the appointment. You'd then be able to show a portal of these join table records on the Mini Window Edit Appointment screen and in that portal show contact details from CalDailyApptContacts.
If you need help with this, we can probably add this to your file in < 2 hrs (our rate for this kind of thing is $170/hr).
You'd then modify our Edit Appointment - Choose Contact script so that it added the contact's ID to the join table AND to the appointment.
You want to keep the contact ID in the appointment as well because we allow you to filter the calendar by contact and you probably don't want to loose that feature. This means you'll keep the field ApptContactID_kf in synch with the contents of your join table for that appointment as you add and delete contacts on the appointment.
I hope that helps get you started.
If this is something you'd like us to do for you, just email me directly (john at and we'll get you an estimate.