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Pulling information from Invoice to Contact Invoices

PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:18 pm
by sanjosecsz
Hi John,
Still using Seedcode Complete for Filemaker 9 and it's great. I have two quick questions:
1) In the contacts section there's an invoice tab which brings up a summary of invoices using "contactinvoices." It shows everything from the invoices section, which uses "invoicelines." The only thing I can't see in the summary is info from the following field Invlineitemdescription. How can I get this to show up from one section to the other?

2) When I do a mailing and choose the email option to send by Apple Mail is there a way to change the default font and size. Right now I'm going in manually and changing the font and size once the email comes up for preview.
