Promaps - Thumbnail image not displaying in Popover

Looking for some support re: display of media image in the map popover. If I change the image the image does not change in the map popover. If I manually update the gm_thumbnail field with a new image, it still does not update the popover image. I looked on the Popover settings layout and it appears that the popover field is configured correctly: ProjectMedia::gm_thumbnail.
What is required to refresh the popover image on the map?
Looking for some support re: display of media image in the map popover. If I change the image the image does not change in the map popover. If I manually update the gm_thumbnail field with a new image, it still does not update the popover image. I looked on the Popover settings layout and it appears that the popover field is configured correctly: ProjectMedia::gm_thumbnail.
What is required to refresh the popover image on the map?