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locate records in FM

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:30 am
by Guest
Sorry my English.
I have a DBF table with information that I want to update in the database. The database has 300 records and the DBF Table 120 records. Both have the same fields with a sequential field (unique ID). I want to locate (only) these 120 records in the database.
That is possible?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:29 am
by John Sindelar
<I've moved this from the Custom Functions Forum to General Support.>

You're looking to do a "matching import" search FileMaker's built in help for "import" and check out the topic "Methods of importing data into an existing file". The section "Updating matching records" speaks to your situation; this is a very cool feature of FMP and very easy to use.

You can use this to change data in your 120 records or, use it to simply "find" them. To just find the records, line up your match fields but import some nonsense field into another nonsense field or global field: the import will leave your matching records in the found set after the import is done.

(That will be more clear after you play with this a bit and check out that help entry.)