Linking files in IWP

General support questions.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:21 pm
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:52 pm

I am new to database building and just created my first db in FMP 8 Advanced. I have 4 db files that I have successfully linked together in FMP using the Open File script. One of which is an "index" that links to all the other files.

Now that I have published my files, I have to find another solution to linking them up since the Open File script does not work. I have tried a few things like: linking to the url, and go to related record but nothing seems to work. In my FMP 8 (not published) I end my Open File script with Close Window so that when it finds that targeted db it will close the previous one.

I would like to close the window and auto log off the user. Any ideas for that?

Lastly, I am disapointed in how my db interface looks after publishing them does any have an example of a CCS I can use with iwp? I have used CCS before but I am not sure how to use it with the files.

I greatly appreciate any help you give!

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