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SeedCode Complete: Projects & Multiple Contacts

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:44 pm
by MaidaSussman
Hi Guys,

In SeedCode Complete, Projects module, Additional Contacts area (portal to ProjectContacts) it seems like there is support for selecting multiple contacts in the contacts selector pop-up window.

I see the script called Select Contact { ContactID , MultipleSelection , CompanyName , ContactName } accepts parameters; I think I have passed the param for MutipleSelection =1 correctly (can see it get assigned in data viewer), but when I run the function, instead of getting 1 row per contact in marriage table ProjectContacts, I'm getting just one marriage record created with multiple key values (which are correct).

I was hoping this feature would make a related record for each contact. Do I misunderstand its intent, or do I have a bug?

Thought I should ask before I spend more time tracking it down.


Re: SeedCode Complete: Projects & Multiple Contacts

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:36 pm
by jeffalmquist
Hi Maida. You'll need to edit that script to support the MultipleSelection option. Let me know if you'd like to purchase an implementation package and have us do it for you. HTH -Jeff

Re: SeedCode Complete: Projects & Multiple Contacts

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:33 pm
by MaidaSussman
I figured out where the script needing expanding. I added a loop to parse out the multiple values in the Additional Contacts script. Thanks.