Using the IWP Module with CC Calendar Prior to 5.33

Support, Questions and Suggestions for the FM7 Version of CC Calendar.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:58 am

The Instant Web Publishing Module for CC Calendar Pro is a web-optimized interface file for the calendar. It uses the same appointments file as the traditional, desktop version of CC Calendar.

All versions of CC Calendar Pro including 5.33 and later will work with the IWP module without modification. For versions prior to 5.33 you'll need to make some changes to the Appointments file (CCCalAppts.fp7) in order to get the IWP module to work properly.

These change are mostly cosmetic, but they are important.

The Modifications

Most of these modifications are required because FileMaker 7's IWP implementation won't properly display container objects that are more than 1 file away. This, we need to calculate some of these images into the Appointments file in order for them to display correctly.

1. To begin, you'll want to add a file reference in CCCalAppts.fp7 for the CCCalSettings.fp7 file.

2. Next, you'll add two table occurrences to the graph in CCCalAppts.fp7 One of these will be for the SettingsApptTypes table, and the second is for the SettingsTypeColors table. Depending on your version, you may also need to create a occurrence for the Interface table in the CCCalendar.fp7 file. If you do, please name the occurrence "InterfaceGlobals" as shown below.

3. Link these two tables to the graph as shown. Note that the table occurrence containing the "for use..." explanation is not required and is only included for clarity:

4. With the graph completed, you can move on to create two new calculation fields in CCCalAppts.fp7:

Name: ApptColorCalcIWP
Definition: SettingsTypeColors::ColorValue
Calculation Result is: Container

Name: ApptTrashCalcIWP
Definition: InterfaceGlobals::IntTrashGlob
Calculation Result is: Container

The first of these displays the color coding of the appointment's type. The second displays the trash can icon used to delete appointment records.

5. That is it if you're not using the Related Items A and B files. If you are, step 6 below will help you create calculations in that file to display the trash can icon and go-to arrow in those sections of the calendar.

6. In the CCCalRelatedItemsAandB file, you'll want to create a table occurrence for the Interface table in the CCCalendar.fp7 file. You'll need to create a file reference for CCCalendar.fp7; please name the occurrence "InterfaceGlobals" as in the appointments graph above. With this table occurrence in place you can create two new fields in each of the tables in CCCalRelatedItemsAandB:

Table: RelatedItemsA
Name: ItemAArrowIconCalc
Definition: InterfaceGlobals::IntArrowRightGlob
Calculation Result is: Container

Table: RelatedItemsA
Name: ItemATrashIconCalc
Definition: InterfaceGlobals::IntTrashGlob
Calculation Result is: Container

Table: RelatedItemsB
Name: ItemBArrowIconCalc
Definition: InterfaceGlobals::IntArrowRightGlob
Calculation Result is: Container

Table: RelatedItemsB
Name: ItemBTrashIconCalc
Definition: InterfaceGlobals::IntTrashGlob
Calculation Result is: Container

That's it!
John Sindelar

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