Now Up To Date (NUDC) problem still

Support, Questions and Suggestions for the FM7 Version of CC Calendar.
Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:40 pm
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:10 am
So the .ics files I have Events creating are being hosted on my mac's webserver. I can subscribe to them in iCal over the web.

In NUDC I can subscribe to them as well (Connect to Server, iCal format) but all it does is show the very first scheduled item for each calendar. So the appointments in the first day of August when I first created this system show up and that/s all.

I really want to use NUDC to look at these files, any idea why this is happening?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:33 am
Hi Steve -

We had similar problems getting them to show up. I think it has to do with the format of the .ics file you're saving and the way you set up your VEVENTs. Can you post a sample, stripped down .ics file, with the VCALENDAR and VEVENT tags?
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:09 am
Hi Charlie,

Here is the URL of one of the .ics files


I've referenced it this way and also with webcal:// in place of the http:// with the same results.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:17 am
Easy solution: Add a unique identifier to each VEVENT. A correctly formatted record (from your solution) will look like this:
Code: Select all
SUMMARY: - Other
DESCRIPTION:Go freaking crazy progamming all day

Just make sure each event has a unique id. You can just set a serial number in the appointments table and include it in the export. NUTD requires this part to distinguish between different events, so that's why only one event was showing up.[/code]
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:21 am
Good news that it's easy. But easy for you is my reaction :)

Which Field(s) in which Table should I add this to and how? (I'm not an experienced FMP developer, although I've gotten pretty good at monkeying around and customizing the code, so with a better description of what tod do I probably could do it)
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:25 am
Nevermind the adding a field part. It already exists. Check in the CCCalAppts table for a field called PrimeApptIDX, then in your export script, add the following text anywhere between the VEVENT begin and end tags:
Code: Select all
& "UID:" & CCCalAppts::PrimeApptIDX & "¶" &

and you should be good to go.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:36 am
Tried to do that in the specify calculation script, but get an error message either asking for a ( or saying the table can't be found, and I did confirm the presence of what you suggested. In the following post I am going to paste that entire section of the export script, could you copy it, paste that line of code in the appropriate place for me and post that please?

Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:40 pm
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:37 am
CalendarDaily::CaliCalExportGlob & "¶" &

// Event Header

"¶SUMMARY:" & Substitute( AppointmentsDaily::ApptTitle ; [ "√" ; "‚àö" ]; [ "’" ; "'" ] ) & If ( not IsEmpty ( AppointmentsDaily::ApptType ); " - " & AppointmentsDaily::ApptType; "" ) &
"¶DESCRIPTION:" & Substitute(
If ( AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientNameLastFirstCalc ; "Client: " & AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientNameLastFirstCalc & ¶ ) &
If ( AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientCompanyName ; "Compay: " & AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientCompanyName & ¶ ) &
If ( AppointmentsDaily::ApptResource ; SettingsValuesDaily::SettingResourceNameSingluar & ": " & AppointmentsDaily::ApptResource & ¶ ) &
AppointmentsDaily::ApptDesc ; [ "√" ; "‚àö" ]; [ "’" ; "'" ] ) &

// DateTime Start

If(IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart);"¶DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:"; "¶DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:") &
Year(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateStart) & Right("00" & Month(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateStart); 2) & Right("00" & Day(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateStart); 2) & If(IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart); ""; "T" & Right("00" & Hour(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart); 2) & Right("00" & Minute(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart); 2) & Right("00" & Seconds(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart); 2) & "") &

// Begin DateTime End

Let ([
n= If(IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart);1;0)
If(IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart);"¶DTEND;VALUE=DATE:"; "¶DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:") &
Year(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateEndCalc + n) & Right("00" & Month(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateEndCalc + n); 2) & Right("00" & Day(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateEndCalc + n); 2) & If(IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart); ""; "T" & Right("00" & Hour(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEndCalc); 2) & Right("00" & Minute(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEndCalc); 2) & Right("00" & Seconds(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEndCalc); 2) & "")

// Begin Duration


IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateEndCalc) and IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart);

IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateEndCalc) and IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEnd);

not IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateEndCalc) and IsEmpty(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEnd);
"¶" &
(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateEndCalc - AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateStart)+1 & "D" &

"¶" &
(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateEndCalc - AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateStart)+1 & "D";


"¶T" &
Hour(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEnd - AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart) & "H" &
Minute(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEnd - AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart) & "M" &
Seconds(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEnd - AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart) & "S";

"¶" &
(AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateEndCalc - AppointmentsDaily::ApptDateStart) & "DT" &
Hour(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEnd - AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart) & "H" &
Minute(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEnd - AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart) & "M" &
Seconds(AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeEnd - AppointmentsDaily::ApptTimeStart) & "S"

) & // Case

// Terminate Duration

"¶STATUS:" &

// Begin Attendees

If ( not IsEmpty ( AppointmentsDaily::ApptUser ) ;
Substitute ( Left ( AppointmentsDaily::ApptUser ; Length ( AppointmentsDaily::ApptUser ) ) ; "¶" ; "\":invalid:nomail¶ATTENDEE;CN=" & "\"")
; "" ) & "\":invalid:nomail" & // If

// Terminate Attendees

"¶END:VEVENT" // © SeedCode LLC, 2004. All Rights Reserved.

// End
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:41 am
OK, here's the first bit... just change this part. I bolded what I added:

Code: Select all
CalendarDaily::CaliCalExportGlob & "¶" &

// Event Header


[b]"¶UID:" & AppointmentsDaily::PrimeApptIDX &[/b]

"¶SUMMARY:" & Substitute( AppointmentsDaily::ApptTitle ; [ "?" ; "‚àö" ]; [ "’" ; "'" ] ) & If ( not IsEmpty ( AppointmentsDaily::ApptType ); " - " & AppointmentsDaily::ApptType; "" ) &
"¶DESCRIPTION:" & Substitute(
If ( AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientNameLastFirstCalc ; "Client: " & AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientNameLastFirstCalc & ¶ ) &
If ( AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientCompanyName ; "Compay: " & AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientCompanyName & ¶ ) &
If ( AppointmentsDaily::ApptResource ; SettingsValuesDaily::SettingResourceNameSingluar & ": " & AppointmentsDaily::ApptResource & ¶ ) &
AppointmentsDaily::ApptDesc ; [ "?" ; "‚àö" ]; [ "’" ; "'" ] ) &

I didn't realize it was being called from the daily table, but it shouldn't make any difference, just a quick change in the table name. Hope that works![/b]
Posts: 19
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:41 am
Oops, the code tags messed it up. Here it is again:

CalendarDaily::CaliCalExportGlob & "¶" &

// Event Header


"¶UID:" & AppointmentsDaily::PrimeApptIDX &

"¶SUMMARY:" & Substitute( AppointmentsDaily::ApptTitle ; [ "?" ; "‚àö" ]; [ "’" ; "'" ] ) & If ( not IsEmpty ( AppointmentsDaily::ApptType ); " - " & AppointmentsDaily::ApptType; "" ) &
"¶DESCRIPTION:" & Substitute(
If ( AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientNameLastFirstCalc ; "Client: " & AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientNameLastFirstCalc & ¶ ) &
If ( AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientCompanyName ; "Compay: " & AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientCompanyName & ¶ ) &
If ( AppointmentsDaily::ApptResource ; SettingsValuesDaily::SettingResourceNameSingluar & ": " & AppointmentsDaily::ApptResource & ¶ ) &
AppointmentsDaily::ApptDesc ; [ "?" ; "‚àö" ]; [ "’" ; "'" ] ) &
Posts: 22
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:49 am
Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Say the magic woid and win a hundred dollahs!

It worked. You Rock. Thanks.

Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:40 pm
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:00 am
wierd, it's off by 4 hours! 9am appts. show up in NUDC as 1pm.

Any thoughts?
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:08 am
iCal shows the right times, but NUDC is offset by those 4 hours. Same computer, same clock settings therefore. Searched NUDC preferences and settings and display options and nothing.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:11 am
I think it's something to do with the ics file's time zone settings. I don't remember exactly how they work, but if you google "icalendar time zone" you should find a good reference.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:15 am
Must be. I've found a number of references to iCal time zones on the web. Funny that iCalendar shows the right zone, but NUDC doesn't.

John do you know how to fix this?

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