problem with ad client name to wiew month

Support, Questions and Suggestions for the FM7 Version of CC Calendar.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:42 am
on my last post (on cccalendar sheduling edition (in the month view) I want to replace the date, and the detail of the apointment by just the name of the client.
How can I do ?)

you ask me to modifie "ApptDisplayOnScheduleText"

when I do it, i have everytime only the first value of the client table and not the client name attached to the appointment.

orignal calcul is :
ApptTitle &

Si ( Not EstVide ( AppointmentsDailyClients::PrimeClientIDX ) ;
¶ & AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientNameLastFirstCalc &
Si ( Not EstVide ( AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientCompanyName ) ; ¶ & AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientCompanyName ) &
Si ( Not EstVide ( AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientPhone ) ; "¶tel. " & AppointmentsDailyClients::ClientPhone )
) // End If Client


Si ( Not EstVide ( ApptDesc ) ; ¶ & ApptDesc )


what can I do exactly ?

thank for your help ...
I start with filemaker (habitualy i work with acces !!) and fm is really completly different.
PS sorry for my english !
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:19 am
Assuming that your relationship between AppointmentsDaily and AppointmentsDailyClients is correct, that calc looks right.

(That relationship should be ApptKeyClientIDX = PrimeClientIDX)

I believe that you simply have to change which field you've used on each of the 7 days on the month layout. More specifically, you need to change which "table occurrence" each field is from.

For example, take a look at the time fields "ApptTimeStart" in each of the 7 days. Double click on any of these (after moving the covering container fields out of the way) and above the list of fields you'll see "Display Data from:" followed by one of the 7 versions of the "AppointmentsMoWk..." table occurrence. Field in the second day of the week (the second column), for instance, are from AppointmentsMoWk2, those in the 3rd position are from AppointmentsMoWk3, etc.

You simply need to re-select your calc field from the table occurrence appropriate to each day of the week. The simplest way to do this (for me) is to copy and paste a field already there, then change this to be the field you want. This preserves the table occurrence of the original field.

Hope that helps.
John Sindelar
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:21 am
in the calcul option, we have to execut the calcul from the table active Appointmentsdaily

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