- Code: Select all
Si(Events::DateEnd = "" Or Events::DateEnd = Events::DateStart ; "pour la journée du " & Jour ( Events::DateStart ) & " " & NomMois ( Events::DateStart )& " " & Annee ( Events::DateStart ) ;
"pour les journées du " & Jour ( Events::DateStart ) & " " & NomMois ( Events::DateStart )& " " & Annee ( Events::DateStart ) & " et du " & Jour ( Events::DateEnd ) & " " & NomMois ( Events::DateEnd )& " " & Annee ( Events::DateEnd ) & ".")
and as you can see from the code I have turned on System Formats and the definition is in French.
However the resulting text in a linked file is in English. This is not the case with all the definition in SeedCode Calendar. For the moment it is the only one I've found that is not in French, but I need it to be. Can anyone help me with this dilemma. I using Mountain Lion 10.8.3, Filemaker 12 and Seedcode Calendar Pro 5.6.
Is this weird ? And how can I force this definition to be rendered in French ?