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Mod: Gantt Chart in 5 Minute Increments

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:25 am
by John Sindelar
A very cool customer of ours got me re-thinking something I once thought was too tough to tackle: zooming into the gantt chart until days dissolved into hours and then into minutes.

The best customers pull you where you need to go and thanks to this we figured out a really elegant way to accomplish this change in scale. The times in the column heading only appear once your chart range gets within a single day-- prior to that they show the week number of the column's date. While you can show any range, the "5 min" button at the bottom of the chart will snap the scale to show 5 minute increments; I imagine we could create other predefined scales like this for days, weeks, etc.

This is available as a two hour modification to the stock charts, so please let us know if your interested or have suggestions for improving it.

- John
