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Importing Events along with related data

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:42 pm
by jimrecht
Hi John:

I need to import appointments from an older copy of my application into a newer. I have reviewed the document at and everything looks straightforward, except for one thing: each of my appointments "contains" data from related tables (my "Edit Appointment" layout contains portals to these tables). The tables contain each patient's (each contact's) list of medications, along with doses, number of refills, etc.

I would like to achieve this import as follows:
1) import appointment data using the instructions contained in the document cited above;
2) then import medication data, (including the fields that contain the keys used to create the relationship between the appointment records and the medication records).

But if I do this, can I be sure that the relationships will be preserved -- in other words, that when I click on John Smith's appointment, I will see the correct meds listed in the "medications portal"?

Jim Recht

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:26 am
by John Sindelar
You're on the right track. When you import your appointments, you'll be bringing over the ContactID for that appointment, and that same contact ID lives in your Contact Medications, so those relationships will be preserved.

The only trick is that some of your relationships may depend on the AppointmentID as well. (As do our repeating events relationships.) So, when you import your appointments you want to make sure these appointments are NOT assigned new AppointmentIDs. In the instructions you referenced, follow them as if you DID use repeating events and you should be all set.