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Activity Type colour display in conflicting appointments

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:16 pm
by adrianlambert
Hi there, just returned from holidays to find a new calendar/contact app is in place! just wondering, can someone help me with a quick question?

I have set up some appointments that conflict with another user, whose resources/locations we regularly share. filtering isn't going to be used as i'll need to see all appointments whenever i check the calendar. The issue i have is that the colour coding system for activity types only shows the activity that started first in the fancy week view. looking at the seedcode screenshots for the fancy week view, i can see that their appointments that start after another conflicting appointment are showing. do I get the second appointment colour to display?


PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:10 am
by John Sindelar

Wish we could do some kind of color blending, but as long as the appointments overlap, you'll only see one color. Once the overlap stops (if it does) the color of the other appointment will be revealed.

Here is an example.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:28 am
by adrianlambert
You see in that example B where the 11:00 appointment colour is orange, well on mine it would be the colour of the appointment beneath, red.

i understand the issue you have with showing both, although mabybe a different graphic, say, a slightly thinner top appointment block. the text wraps short of the end, so there doesn't appear to be anything stopping us seeing the appointment beneath.