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Changing to Data Separation Model

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:28 am
by psijmons
hello John,

I'm doing some major surgery on my solution to change into a full data separation. So after this change, I will have a SCC file with all your logic and layouts and a data file with just the data.

Are you aware of any relationships that must remain in the ERD of the data file to prevent any broken calculations?

I am using your previous SCC version fully integrated into LabScores as I showed you at DevCon, too much work to implement your latest version.

thanks in advance,

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:51 am
by John Sindelar
Hi Peter,

Sounds like a good project. In the date file you'll need to keep as much of the graph as is used for lookups, auto enter calcs, and validation (if you added any).

In the context of Appointments this means you'll need an unrelated instance of Filter, Appointments, and one of Interface. You'll also need CalDailyAppointments and a few of the table occurrences that surround it:


You'll also need some from the Gantt portion of the chart, including:


Finally, since we calculate some of the Appointment's display to include contact and project information you'll need:


The same kind of thing applies to the other data tables. I basically look through the field definitions and see which table occurrences are being used in calcs and auto enters, making sure to keep those.

Hope that helps; very cool to see your file at DevCon!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:37 pm
by psijmons
thank you for the extensive answer, this should see me through the entire operation.