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Delete filters from week or month views?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:34 pm
by jimrecht
Hi John:

I'd like to remove the "Project" filters from my week and month views. I've tried doing that by navigating to the appropriate view (week or month), then going into Layout mode -- but when I do, the filter buttons disappear. What should I do?

Jim Recht

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:27 pm
by John Sindelar

The filters are in a separate (invisible) tab and they disappear until you select the filters tab in layout mode. Depending on the which version of our calendar you're using you can select the tabs in layout mode as follows...

If the green horizontal rule at the top of the screen has two small darker green rectangles in it, those are the tab controls: click on those green rectangles in layout mode and you should see the filters.

In some of our newer calendars you'll find an invisible rectangle (actually another tab) right above the word "day" in "select day". Highlight and drag that tab out of the way and beneath it you'll find the controls to switch tabs in layout mode: with the covering tab out of the way click above the "y" in "select day" and you should find the tab control.

Hope that helps.