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Tip: Changing the Date Format of Tool Tips

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:46 am
by John Sindelar
All the date formats in SeedCode calendar will respect your local system settings, so if you're using European or Australian date formats, you'll recognize those in the calendar.

However the date calcs used on our tool tips (on the horizontal scheduling view) don't respect system formats. To switch these to the European date format you'll need to edit the definition for the field "ApptTitleDisplayCalc" in the appointments table.

In the first section, after the comment "// ########## Show dates on some layouts" you'll see two date fields, ApptDateStart_k and ApptDateEnd. These both need to be replaced with the following:

Replace ApptDateStart_k with:

Code: Select all
Right ( "0" & Day ( ApptDateStart_k ) ; 2 ) & "/" & Right ( "0" & Month ( ApptDateStart_k ) ; 2 ) & "/" & Right ( Year ( ApptDateStart_k ) ; 2 )

Replace ApptDateEnd with:

Code: Select all
If ( not IsEmpty ( ApptDateEnd ) ; Right ( "0" & Day ( ApptDateEnd ) ; 2 ) & "/" & Right ( "0" & Month ( ApptDateEnd ) ; 2 ) & "/" & Right ( Year ( ApptDateEnd ) ; 2 ) )

That's it!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:45 pm
by bigsox
Hi, John, I don't seem to have this issue: without implementing the mod, I'm still getting European-format dates. The reason may be the fact that I've cloned the database and imported field contents, but I'm not too sure of that.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:48 pm
by John Sindelar
That's right; cloning the database changes the file's localization when the file is next opened. We don't usually do this since you have to import the graphics back in etc. after cloning.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:03 pm
by bigsox
I figured I needed to set up a backup, clone and reimport routine, so I've cloned it and tested my reimport several times.