For the currency symbol, edit the field "z_MMemberMessageMergedCalc" in the Mailing Members table. The auto enter calc here is where all the actual merging happens.
You'll see that whenever we use a currency field like "<<Contact Balance>>" or "<<Invoice Amount>>" we employ a custom function to format the number. The currency symbol is sent to this custom function as a parameter, so just replace "$" with whatever you need. Be sure to do this for each instance of the SeedCode_AddDollarFormat function used in that calc.
When it comes to "reverting to 3 digits" I'm not completely sure what you mean. If you want the numbers in the mailing to have 3 digits to the right of the decimal, instead of 2, edit the custom function "SeedCode_AddDollarFormat", replacing the meat of the function with this version:
- Code: Select all
Let ( [
Amount = Round ( NumberField ; 3 ) ;
A = Int ( Amount ) + 0 ;
L = Length ( A ) ;
R = If ( Amount ≠A ; Left ( amount - A & "000" ; 4 ) ; ".000" )
] ;
CurrencySymbol & Case (
L=9 ; Left(A;3) &","& Middle(A;4;3) &","& Right(A;3) ;
L=8 ; Left(A;2) &","& Middle(A;3;3) &","& Right(A;3) ;
L=7 ; Left(A;1) &","& Middle(A;2;3) &","& Right(A;3) ;
L=6 ; Left(A;3) &","& Right(A;3) ;
L=5 ; Left(A;2) &","& Right(A;3) ;
L=4 ; Left(A;1) &","& Right(A;3) ;
) //end Case
& R
) //end Let
Let me know if I've misunderstood you.