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data interface separation problem

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:50 pm
by juan
I just made an data interface separation of my solution which is using your cool seedcode calendar.

From seedcode calendar I only have the interface table in my interface file. All the other tables are in the data file.

I managed to make backmagic working again by following the instructions on your website.

In the calendar, everything seems to works except from the month view. It still displays the appointments of the same week even if I change months. I tried to reset it without any success.

Do you have any idea on where I should look ?
Thanks in advance,

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:02 pm
by juan
Ok I found the problem. Probably I should put also the global fields into the interface file.

Adding "Refresh Window [Flush cached join result]" after

Code: Select all
Set Field [ CalendarDaily::CalFilterDateGlob; Let ( [
Value = If ( $Direction = "-" ; ( 0 - 1 ) ; 1)
] ;
Case (
$Target = "Y";

in the script "Move Date Left or Right ( Target ) { Direction }" made the thing work perfectly again !

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:39 pm
by John Sindelar
Nice work Juan! Thanks for the comments.