No problem. (Glad you got the display working!)
You'll be editing the script "Edit Appointment { Column , Type }". Scroll through that script until you see the comment "Get the context in case we have to create a new record." Below that are 3 SetField() statements: you'll be editing the third one, the one that sets GlobText3.
Select that line and click "Specify" next to calculated result. You'll want to change two sections of this calc.
First, find the following line...
- Code: Select all
"on " & DayName ( GetAsDate ( TheResourceOrWeek ) ) & ", " & TheResourceOrWeek & " at " ; // Week
...replacing it with this:
- Code: Select all
"on " & DayName ( GetAsDate ( TheResourceOrWeek ) ) & ", " & Year ( TheResourceOrWeek ) & "-" & Month ( TheResourceOrWeek ) & "-" & Day ( TheResourceOrWeek ) & " at " ; // Week
Second, find this line a little further down...
- Code: Select all
If ( Hour ( TheTime ) - 12 > 0 ; Hour ( TheTime ) - 12 ; Hour ( TheTime ) ) & ":" & Right ( "00" & Minute ( TheTime) ; 2 ) & If ( Hour ( TheTime ) - 12 ≥0; "pm"; "am" ) &
...and replace that with this:
- Code: Select all
Left ( TheTime ; Length ( TheTime ) - 3 ) &
That takes care of the fancy week view and the vertical scheduling view. To edit the display for the horizontal scheduling view, close that calculation and continue down the script until you find the comment "Scheduling Horizontal". Below that is another instance of "Get the context in case we have to create a new record" and three set fields. Again we'll be editing the third one. Edit this one as follows.
Find this...
- Code: Select all
"for " & Filters::GlobText4 & " on " & TheResourceOrWeek &
...and replace it with this:
- Code: Select all
"for " & Filters::GlobText4 & " on " & DayName ( GetAsDate ( TheResourceOrWeek ) ) & ", " & Year ( TheResourceOrWeek ) & "-" & Month ( TheResourceOrWeek ) & "-" & Day ( TheResourceOrWeek ) &
Then continue, finding this...
- Code: Select all
If ( Hour ( TheTime ) - 12 > 0 ; Hour ( TheTime ) - 12 ; Hour ( TheTime ) ) & ":" & Right ( "00" & Minute ( TheTime) ; 2 ) & If ( Hour ( TheTime ) - 12 ≥0; "pm"; "am" )
...and replace it with this:
- Code: Select all
Left ( TheTime ; Length ( TheTime ) - 3 )
That's it!