New Build of Pro: 5.52

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SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:26 am

We've prepared a new build of the calendar to make a few repairs and enhancements.

Below you'll find instructions for making these changes in your copy of the file. If you'd like to copy and paste mods from a clean copy of the file, just email support at and we'll resend a fresh download link to the new build. (Please include your original order number in the email if you can.)

These changes apply to the new FileMaker 10x calendar released earlier this month. You can learn more about his new calendar here:

The Mods

1. Fixes a problem where an all day event could appear on the schedule view under more resources than it should. Edit the script "Insert into Calendar - Write additional days ( Date )". Add an IF statement before the first If there, and an End If after the last End If there. Make this first If statement read:

Code: Select all
IsEmpty ( FilterValues ( "Resource Sched Vert¶Day¶Day Sched" ; $$sc_Mode ) ) // one of these modes is not active

2. Changed the way we short circuit script triggers so we're more friendly to multi-window solutions. Edit the script "Load Calendar Layout" and find the first comment "So we don't run this on spawning new windows….". Change the next If cal from ValueCount ( WindowNames ( Get ( FileName ) ) ) > 1 to Get ( WindowLeft ) ≤ - 2000

3. Fixed a bug in the conditional formatting of the field CalendarBlankReptsGlob where the current day wouldn't highlight in yellow on the "no sidebar" layouts' week view. The conditional formatting line beginning "// Highlight current date" should read:

Code: Select all
// Highlight current date

Let ( [

d= ( Int ( ( Extend ( CalendarRows::RowNumber ) -1 ) / $$sc_RowsPerDay )  ) * 7 + GetAsDate ( Extend ( CalendarRows::DateRangeStartAutoGlob ) ) + Get ( CalculationRepetitionNumber ) - 1 

] ;

d = Get ( CurrentDate ) // Extend ( Calendar::DateFocusGlob )


4. We added script trigger notes in layout mode on the 4 calendar layouts and event detail layout just to remind folks that there are script triggers on these layouts. You don't really need to make this change in your file.

5. We misspelled "Description" in the Exit Script line of the script "Write One FileMaker Event in iCal Format"

6. (This is only necessary if you start weeks on Monday and corrects a bug where clicking on the minicalendar ay the end of a week sometimes wouldn't switch weeks). We've changed the definition of the field dateRangeStartAutoGlob. Edit the "week" section of the calc, replacing everything between the Week and Month comment lines with this:

Code: Select all
// --------------------  Week  -------------------- 

PatternCount ( $$sc_Mode ; "Week" ) ;

Timestamp (
    Let ( [
        d = CalendarRows::DateFocusGlob ;
        s = CalendarRows::DateStartWeekOnMondayGlob = "Yes"
    ] ;
        If ( DayOfWeek ( d ) = 1 and s = 1 ;
            d - 7 + 1 ;       
            d - DayOfWeek ( d ) + 1 + ( If ( s ; 1 ; 0 ) )
    If ( PatternCount ( $$sc_Mode ; "Sched" ) ; CalendarInterface::TimeStartGlob ; 0 )

// --------------------  Month  -------------------- 

7. Fixed a bug in creating repetitions where some times the first event is duplicated. Edit the script "Build Repetition List ( Repeat_StartDate ; Repeat_Rule )" and find the comment "------------ Add new date to list of repetitions ------------"

The next script step is an IF statement that uses ≥. Change that to use >.

8. We changed the iCal export routine on windows so it validates in Google calendar. Find the comment "Export File" in the script "Export Found Set to iCal { SourceNumber }" and replace everything between that comment and the comment "Clean up" with this:

[code]#Export File
Set Variable [ $Path; Value:"file:" & Get ( DesktopPath ) &
"seedcodecalendar" & ".ics" ]
If [ Abs ( Get (SystemPlatform ) ) = 1 ]
Go to Layout [ “Documentationâ€
John Sindelar

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