Fields added to day view dont sort with event
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:18 pm
I have followed the instructions to add my own fields to a calendar view by creating the relationship CalendarEventUIDCalc_FirstValue = _id .
I added the fields to the day view by placing them right on top of the calendarContentReptCalc field. When I switch from day to day, the data from the field persist in the same line position it was in from the day i was viewing, even if the event does not exist on the next day. the one way i can get it to correct itself is by dragging and dropping an event on a given day, then it seems to refresh completely and order my fields appropriately. using the refresh button or creating a new event and using the close and refresh script from the button will not do this.
I started looking at where the variable $$sc_ArrayContent was used in the scripts and calcs, thinking i could add these fields to this array data and realized that this was a deeper rabbithole that i was prepared to jump into.
any advice on where to go from here will be appreciated, please let me know if I need to clarify the issue.
Freddy Olsen
pro calendar (build 5.53)
I have followed the instructions to add my own fields to a calendar view by creating the relationship CalendarEventUIDCalc_FirstValue = _id .
I added the fields to the day view by placing them right on top of the calendarContentReptCalc field. When I switch from day to day, the data from the field persist in the same line position it was in from the day i was viewing, even if the event does not exist on the next day. the one way i can get it to correct itself is by dragging and dropping an event on a given day, then it seems to refresh completely and order my fields appropriately. using the refresh button or creating a new event and using the close and refresh script from the button will not do this.
I started looking at where the variable $$sc_ArrayContent was used in the scripts and calcs, thinking i could add these fields to this array data and realized that this was a deeper rabbithole that i was prepared to jump into.
any advice on where to go from here will be appreciated, please let me know if I need to clarify the issue.
Freddy Olsen
pro calendar (build 5.53)