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Importing from previous version of SeedCode Complete

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:57 pm
by jimrecht
Hi Again John:

I emailed you previously with a question about importing from a heavily modified version of SeedCode Complete 8.5.

But are there instructions for how to import records from an unmodified version of the previous SeedCode Complete? In other words, is the situation any more straightforward if we’re simply importing e.g. Contacts and Events (Appointments) from the previous version of SeedCode Complete?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:15 am
by John Sindelar
Hi Jim,

Unfortunately we don't have instructions for doing these imports as you're simply importing from on FileMaker file to another: all the things you;d normally do (line up he fields, reset the serial numbers) you'd do here. And I think you'll find the fields clearly named on both sides of the system.

You'll import into he SeedCodeData file, by the way, as unlike our last version of complete, this version is separated into interface and date files.

Importing like this isn't hard, but it can be tedious. You want to make sure you don't let the new version of Complete create new IDs for your contacts, events, etc. as you already have relationships between them based on these ids.

Normally, I'd say this is something you could hire us to do for you, but we're swamped until the FileMaker Developer's Conference in mid August. I can recommend some people who could do this for you, though, if that helps.

- John

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:35 pm
by jimrecht
Thanks again John (and sorry to be pestering you with these questions)! I will give this my best shot for the next couple of weeks, but thanks for the offers of support and recommendations. If I can’t get it done myself I’ll follow up with you about this!