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How can I jump from calendar to contact?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:09 pm
by swenniels
I´m developing filemaker runtime solutions for doctors containing amongst other layouts a layout with all the patients´contacts. Now I´d like to implement SeedCode calendar and I have the following questions:

1) is it possible to jump directly from the calendar item to the patient? Let´s say, MOnday 8am the patient Dan Brown is listed in the calendar: How can I jump directly to this patients in the patients´ layout?

2) If I buy one licence - how about my runtimes: does this one licence work for all the runtimes I make and sell???

thankx swenniels

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:43 pm
by John Sindelar

Sorry for the late reply! Not sure how I missed this.

If you want to jump to your contact from the Event Details layout (the mini window that pops up when you click an event in the calendar), we have a script all ready for you. You can lean more about this here: ... oMyContact

If you want to go right to the patient's record without seeing the event details, you can edit our script "Click in / Drag Event" and call the script described above in our "Display Event" branch before the script goes on to window management. You'll just want to make sure that you test to make sure the event has a patient associated with it.

2) If I buy one licence - how about my runtimes: does this one licence work for all the runtimes I make and sell???

Our vertical market license covers this: one license covers all the copies of that package that you sell: runtime or otherwise. If you have more than one package (software for Physicians and another package for Veterinarians) you'd need one vertical market license per package.

Hope that helps,


PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:01 am
by swenniels
thanks for your answer.
One more question concerning jumping to my contact: What I need is the following: Let´s say the appointment in the calendar is named "Tom Smith"; I would need, that on clicking on the name "Tom Smith" I come directly to my contacts table to this person´s contact. Is this also possible?

Can I buy a single license to test if all works, and then, when I see it works also for my runtime clients, to buy a vertical license?


PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:21 am
by John Sindelar
Yes, you can buy a site license and the upgrade to a vertical market license when you need to distribute your runtime.

Let's talk about jumping to the patient in more detail. Picture the schedule view of our calendar, or download the demo and head over to the schedule view on a day that has a lot of events.

You'll see that we can show more text for an event here than we can on the month view since we show the event's duration as its height: longer appointments have more room to display text. And if the event its linked to a patient / contact, you'll see their name. However, the name is not a button in itself different from clicking on the event. There is only one button- you as the developer get to decide what to do with it - but FileMaker can not make the name a hyperlink within the event's text.

So, if you want clicking on the event to bring up the event detail and from there you can click on the patient to jump to their record (leaving the calendar), that is option 1 above. If you don't want to see the event details at all but just jump to the patient when clicking on the event, that is the second option I described above.

Most of our medical clients pick option 1 because they want to work with the event (reschedule it, add notes, change its status) without leaving the calendar. They may add patient details to the Event Details layout, but they go to event details first and then jump to the patient record if they need more detail on the patient.

Hope that helps.