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Import Tool Oddity & De-Duping Tool Question

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:30 pm
by charliecheney
Hi, I love the Importer Tool for Seedcode Complete, so simple and so cool. I used it to import a bunch of companies that had no contact names and I noticed that it created the Company records properly, but did not initiate the lookup of the CompanyName field in Contacts. As a result of this, in List View in Contacts, there are no Company Names. Seems like we might want to adjust that in a future build, well, if we can of course.

On a semi-related matter... it seems like this Importer could be made into a pretty nifty de-duping tool if we set up some relationships between the tables to check for matching data first, before setting all the fields. If matching data is found, prompt the user to over-write, update, or leave alone. The logical structure behind this awesome idea escapes me, but I'd like to throw it out there for discussion. Am I off base here?

A De-Duper Tool would be monstrously awesome. Huge! :-) I am constantly importing and re-importing updated lists of prospects from the web and other places.

De-Duping Tool

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:23 am
by charliecheney
OK, thinking out loud here as I've started development on my de-duplication tool concept using the Importer Tool already developed in SeedCode Complete.

The primary question is 1) What defines whether a record you're importing is a duplicate?

It seems like there must be a specific path of likelihood to determine if you have a duplicate. For example, if an email and a phone are the same in both records, you have a duplicate. I'm willing to say ninety-nine times out of a hundred. Sure, there are exceptions, but very few.

But what if you have neither email or phone?

Is there a standardized industry flow chart for determining duplicate contact records? How does Google Mail do it? How does Palm Sync do it? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks!

CompanyName Lookup not executing

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:53 pm
by charliecheney
I'm still wondering what the best way is to get the lookup to execute properly so it fills the CompanyName when importing records. Currently even though the _id_Company field is filled, the lookup does not execute. Thanks. -Charlie


PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:51 pm
by charliecheney
I just had to re-arrange a couple of the lines in the script to get the CompanyName field to fill correctly. The set field script step for the company name in contacts came before the set field steps for the _id and CompanyName fields in Companies, so the lookup was being over-written.