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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:21 pm
by remoran111
eventlist.jpg (112.72 KiB) Viewed 2298 times
I am very sorry to say I cannot use this app. I have tried unsuceesfully to integrate the free calendar into a very sophisticated database for four days without success. I asked where is the "required file for calendar and have received no answer. Without this mysterious table, the integration process fails and I am left with nothing.
Not good.

Without this missing table, the calendar is useless as weeks and months cannot display. As everyone knows, the download works without issue but integrating the enviornment into mines does not. As a further frustration, the event details works with my sample events without a problem but when I try to do a show all in event details, it doesn't. while event list does not. The sampe records display nicely in my system without error. When I do a show all, I get this.

eventlist.jpg (112.72 KiB) Viewed 2298 times

I wish everyone good luck on this as the app was exactly what I need but as it stands, I will go elsewhere to get a calendar app that works with my db.


Bob Moran

Re: Regrets

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:00 am
by John Sindelar
Sorry to hear all this Bob. If you find yourself wanting to give this another I think it is just a question of following the integration instructions very carefully. And of course you could hire us to do the integration for you. Feel free to contact me directly (john at if you'd like to talk about this.

