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Creating Event Causes Loop

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:23 pm
by shauniedarko
This is a problem I've tried to figure out before. My users were reporting that when creating an event, sometimes when they closed the window and refreshed the calendar, it would get stuck in a loop. If they used Command-. after waiting a few minutes, they were treated to a calendar screen that showed no records, only a line indicating a number and the word "more." So like, 34580 more. They would then have to exit out of FileMaker to get the calendar to work again.

I've tried like mad to recreate this error and finally can do it consistently. When first opening the calendar, it opens to day view. If I immediately attempt to create a new record, the error occurs. Upon closer examination, I found that a helper window drawn off screen was the cause of the loop. It is stuck in find mode with a "<" character in the Date Start field.

I can avoid this problem by opening the calendar and clicking into week or month view and then creating a new record. I've tried to debug this problem, but to no avail. I think there's got to be a problem setting the base date or with the scrip that finds dates within a range.

I'm attaching screen shots.

Thank you!


Re: Creating Event Causes Loop

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:41 pm
by JasonYoung
Hi Shaun,

It's hard to tell from the screen shots, but it could be that there's an event that has an end date with no start date. That's a common one we run into, and would explain this. The same thing can happen when having a start date after the end date, and with the times as well.

I'd check that out and see if that resolves it. Otherwise I can take a look at your files and see if I can tell what's going on, and give you some direction. If you'd like me to take a look, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] and we'll set it up.
