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Multiple Events from same table

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:45 am
by cruijff
Hi guys,
I'm trying to set the calendar to display multiple events from a single table.

I currently have my "orders line item" table mapped as Source no 2 which creates "shipment" events on the calendar.
In my "orders line item" table I got these fields:

and all the other required fields listed in the documentation (Timestart, Timeend, zsc_Color..etc.). Everything works fine to this point.

Now I'd like to display another event on the calendar from this table. Do I need to create other "required" fields with different names like these:

and map the on the Source No 3 layout? (this is what I did on my first "multiple events" try, but didn't succeed).
Or shall I map the existing ones?
I read I have to create another source "Source No 3" from the same table with the usual "multiple sources procedure".

Please help, thank you!

Re: Multiple Events from same table

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:04 am
by JasonYoung

If you want to use different sets of dates from the same table, then you'll need to set them up as an additional source. You'll also need a second set of "Z" fields: zscTimestampEndCalcNum
zscTimestampStartCalcNum based on the second set of dates, and those are what you'll map for Source No 3. You shouldn't need another zscEventSummaryCalc, but that's certainly an option if you want the summary to display different information for Source No 3.

Let me know if that helps,

Re: Multiple Events from same table

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:58 am
by cruijff
Many thanks, everything seems to work fine :)