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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:25 pm
by Martin
I set this value to 40 in the "How many portal rows are on the Gantt chart?" section of Load Calendar Settings - Each Redraw but the chart only shows 22 rows. I think it may think it is showing 40, because when I try to scroll it jumps over things in the middle. If I set it to 20, it scrolls properly.

Is it possible to set it to more than 22?

In the documentation, it says, "You may want to increase the size of the gantt chart by showing more rows, or maybe you'd like to add a scroll bar to it." but I never got a scroll bar.

What is supposed to happen when more rows are added?

Re: $$sc_GanttRows

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:11 pm
by jeffalmquist
Hi Martin,

The $$sc_GanttRows variable determines how many rows are populated with data, but to see those extra rows you'll have to make some modifications to the Gantt portal object in Layout mode. At the minimum you'll need to go into the "Portal Setup" for the portal object on the Gantt tab (unlock the object first, then double-click on it), and check the box next to "Show vertical scroll bar", and change the number of rows to match whatever you changed the $$sc_GanttRows variable to. Also, make sure you've run the "Upon Opening" script after you changed the $$sc_GanttRows variable and saved that script change.

You might want to do some more layout work on that Gantt portal to accommodate the width of the vertical scroll bar (make the layout wider, or make fields narrower for a better fit). You could also reduce the portal row height so you can see more rows before having to scroll. If you do that, you'd also have to reduce the height of the fields in the portal.

Here's a video that shows this being done on the month view. The mechanics are the same as what you'll be doing on the Gantt screen.

And here's some general information about editing layouts in the Calendar:

FM12: ... lendarTabs

FM11: ... lendarTabs

I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Re: $$sc_GanttRows

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:22 pm
by Martin
That totally works!

Thanks, Jeff.

Re: $$sc_GanttRows

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:28 pm
by jeffalmquist
Awesome! Thanks for the feedback. :-)
