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Leap year ?!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:27 am
by Jan Bayer
Hello SeedCode,
Leap year interference or something else, the problem is that my "oldish" version of SeedCode Calendar Pro Build 5.6 now tries to convince me that today is Friday, March 12th ... Would you know what I could do to correct this ?!
Thanks a lot in advance,
Jan Bayer

Re: Leap year ?!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:49 am
by John Sindelar
Hi Jan,

Thanks for asking about this but I'm not seeing what you're seeing. "Today" on the calendar is highlighted as Friday, March 11.

I had to convert my copy of 5.6 to 14 as we don't have copies of FileMaker 11 any more so I can't say what it looks like in 11.

Could it be that one event is showing up on the 12th even though it says the 11th? If that's the case you might try removing the event's time and see if it snaps back. In some older calendars you could add more than 24 hours to the time field and cause the event to show up the next day.

Failing all that, does the problem do away when you set your system clock to March 12th or 13th?

- John