Email error: -006 (connection reset)

Support, Tips and Tricks for Proof Group's fmSpark "merge anything" utility for FileMaker Pro.
Posts: 129
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:41 am
Location: Perth Western Australia
PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:44 am
HI John

I am getting more frequently the above error when trying to send emails. It happens during the Authentication stage.

It works fine on one day and it doesn't work on another day. Sometimes it helps to wait a while and it will send once I click Send One again, sometimes I can only get it to work again, after restarting Filemaker, sometimes only after a full restart of the computer.

Obviously this is quite annoying, especially if I have composed an email and not just used a standard template.

Any idea, how to solve this error without having to restart Filemaker would be greatly appreciated.



Working with FM9/FM9 Adv on Mac OS X 10.5, Mail-it 3.0.17
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:47 pm
PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:19 am
Hi Regine,

This is the error that throws when it encounters a problem with the network, basically it's having trouble talking to the SMTP server. I don't think restarting FileMaker is related, but restarting the machine itself may clear out any network issues that are causing the error. The only thing to really do is to check with the Mail Server folks, and see if they can tell on their end why the connections are getting reset. You may need a more reliable SMTP provider.

Let me know if that helps,

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