Questions and suggestions for the CC Calendar product.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:53 pm
I have never really used graphics in my previous FileMaker projects. Other than dropping in a scanned logo, simple lines, text, and color have been the extent of my adventures.

I see the notation on the Calendar "Interface" layout to not put the graphics objects directly into the global fields as they are too heavy and to use screen shots instead.

I would appreciate some additional clarification on this, i.e. what do you mean? And how do you put in a screen shot? I'd love to give my new calendars a little more oomph than what I've done previously. I work on a Windows platform.

Thank you for your help.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:34 am
Elaine wrote:I see the notation on the Calendar "Interface" layout to not put the graphics objects directly into the global fields as they are too heavy and to use screen shots instead.

Hi. We mean that you should put a screen shot of your image in the container field instead of just pasting the original FileMaker objects. For instance, if you build an icon using a combination of FileMaker lines, rectangles, and colors, you can copy and paste that collection of objects into a container field. We recommend you paste in a screen shot of the collected objects instead. This is a quick way to "flatten" the objects to a simple screen resolution image.

On Macs you can simply press shift-control-command-4 to create a cross-hair that will capture whatever you select with it. On Widows we have the best luck with Snag-It. Snapz-Pro is a similar product for Mac. Both of these do a lot more than take pictures and are worth checking out.
John Sindelar

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