
Mods, Tips, Tricks, and Support for Zulu
Posts: 11
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 5:49 am
Hi guys

I had it working, then tried to change things a bit, now it won't work at all!

Whenever I hit the Sync Now button on the "Zulu: Sync Administration" page, I get an error as follows:

Code: Select all
Wed May 25 14:41:41 BST 2011: Sync failed: java.sql.SQLException: Failure while getting list of changes from com.prosc.fmcontact.DBContactData@9f9a19: com.prosc.fmpjdbc.FileMakerException: 105: "Layout is missing" - Make sure that the table name you have requested in the SQL query is the name of a layout in the current database. (JDBC URL: jdbc:fmp360://localhost/ECBM_Web, SSL: false / SQL statement: SELECT "_id_Group","zulu_DELETED","zulu_GOOGLE_DATA","zulu_UUID","Students.MainAddress::Address","Students.MainAddress::TownCity","Students.MainAddress::County","Students.MainAddress::Postcode","Students.MainAddress::Country","NameFirst","NameLast","Company","NameTitle","Email","TelephoneMain","Mobile","zulu_MODIFICATION_TIMESTAMP","__kp__StudentsUUID" FROM MIS Students WHERE "zulu_MODIFICATION_TIMESTAMP" >=? / SQL params: [1969-12-31 01:00:00.0])

The error seems to suggest that there needs to be a layout named the same as the table from which it is drawing the data. I didn't see this mentioned in the documentation, but tried it anyway, changing the table occurrence of the 'Students' table to be 'ZuluContacts'.

However, the error above lists in the SQL statement a couple of related fields that I have since removed from the ZuluContacts layout. It appears to be caching this info somewhere as I have deleted the sync data, changed the database used (switched back to the ZuluContacts_SampleData file to test it was still working) and restarted the web publishing engine, yet it still presents the same error.

Any ideas? I'm testing this now on our dev server, but need to install on the clients server asap.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:19 am
Matt and I are working on this offline. We'll report back what we found.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:42 am
Was this ever solved? I'm getting the same error message, but I'm not certain what is causing it.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:51 am
Right, this was a bit ago and there was no single issue. I'll contact you offline and we can see what's going on.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:40 am
it seems i have a problem likely.
Often, while i try to sync datababase with google.

"Thu Dec 13 10:32:56 CET 2012: Sync failed: java.sql.SQLException: Failure while getting list of changes from FileMaker calendar ACHILLE GRIMAUD; layout=zulucalendar; filterKey=filtre; filterValue=ACHILLE GRIMAUD CONF: 802: "Unable to open file" - Check to make sure that the database file is hosted on FileMaker Server, and that the 'fmxml' extended privilege is enabled for your privilege set. (JDBC URL: jdbc:fmp360://localhost/Gcal, SSL: false / SQL statement: SELECT "IDspectacle" FROM "zulucalendar" WHERE "IDspectacle" != 'zzzzzzz' AND "Zulu_DELETED" != 1 AND "filtre" LIKE ? / SQL params: [ACHILLE GRIMAUD CONF] / requestURL: http:// localhost/fmi/xml/FMPXMLRESULT.xml?-db=Gcal&-lay=zulucalendar&Zulu_DELETED.op=neq&Zulu_DELETED=1&filtre=ACHILLE+GRIMAUD+CONF&IDspectacle.op=neq&IDspectacle=zzzzzzz&-max=all&-find)"

i'm not sure it is the same probleme ...
i need help to "translate" what my computer is saying :-)
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:32 am

802 means that Zulu can't find the file on your server. If the file name on the ZuluCalendarListRecord is correct and XML is enabled for the privilege set on this file, then it could be the result of a previous error.

Can you send me your log using the link on the zulu/admin page and I'll try and see if I can tell what's happening from there.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:50 am

My database name is Gcal.fp7 and the name on the ZuluCalendarListRecord is Gcal
The name of the layout, filterkey, and filter value are good too.
XML privilege are enable for the account usesd by sync Google.

What surprise me is that sometimes it works, and sometimes no, and i can't see any things differents on my records whent it's ok or not.

I send my log right now; let me know if you received it.

SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:23 am

I have the log, but am not seeing any errors before the 802 error.

Are you on the current version of Zulu (1.316)?

and what do you have your auto-sync frequency set to? It might be too frequent.

Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:36 am
PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:33 am

yes i am on the current version (1.316)

The auto sync frequency is every 7200 seconds, so i don'thin it is a problem.

You said you're not seeing anything before the 802 error, but this is this error which are often repeted.
Any idea to explain why this error occurs ?
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:30 am
It's hard to tell, but I haven't seen anything else in the logs you sent us.

802 is a standard FileMaker error when a file can't be opened, so when Zulu tries to open the file via XML Custom Web Publishing it's getting this error. We have seen in the past that other errors can cause the sync to stop and cause this, but I haven't identified anything else so far. It's like web publishing is just going down. Are you running any other web publishing activity?

If you know which day it's gone down, then maybe send the logs from that day and the previous couple of days as they may have more info than we've seen so far.

The logs live in FileMaker Server / Web Publishing / publishing-engine / cwpe-tomcat / logs / catalina<date>.log

If it's FileMaker Server 12, then the folder is jwpc-tomcat instead of cwpe-tomcat


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