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Problems with iOS 5 Devices

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:04 am
by Mantic
Hi guys

We're having further problems with iOS 5 devices and the latest version of Zulu. Here's what's happening :

1. Viewing iCal calendars and calendar events works perfectly via desktop machines running OS 10.

2. Subscribing to iCal calendars via iOS 5 devices (iPhone and iPad) runs fine (no errors reported and the calendars are visible) but the calendar entries cannot be seen.

We're running two copies of Zulu via our Snow Leopard server (with the latest Zulu plugin 1.307) - you can view them here :

And we get the same results accessing either via iPads and iPhones.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Re: Problems with iOS 5 Devices

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:56 am
by JasonYoung

The subscription issue should be resolved in 1.307, so I'm not sure what's going on.

The default setting on the device is to subscribe with SSL on, and that can cause it to spin for a bit, but that's the only I'm seeing here.

Could also be the calendar settings on the phone, i.e. only syncing 2 Weeks back.

Maybe try resetting the zulu_ModificationTimestamp on the offending events to see if that causes them to show up.


Re: Problems with iOS 5 Devices

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:19 pm
by Mantic
Hi Jason, got it working. We reset all the UUIDs in FM, then deleted the calendar and recreated it. All good now.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Problems with iOS 5 Devices

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:02 am
by Mantic
Hi Jason / John

I was a little quick when I said that this working (it was working for one of our databases but not for another). However I don't think that this was necessarily anything to do with the iOS 5 devices 'bug' per se though the symptoms were the same. ie

1. You can subscribe to Zulu calendars via iCal using an iOS 5 device but can't see events.
2. The events don't appear even after a couple of hours of syncing.
3. The rotating activity icon on the iPhone spins for about 10 seconds, vanishes for a moment and then repeats.
4. This is regardless of what settings you have on the iPhone (sync 2 weeks back, synch 3 months back, synch all, etc).
5. Recreating the calendar / restarting the iPhone has no effect.

To find the culprit, I created a new calendar on the offending database and assigned a new event record to it - it showed up correctly on the iPhone. I tried to assign an old event record to the new calendar and I started getting duplicate events in iCal. I created a new event and assigned it to an old calendar but couldn't see it on the iPhone.

The solution for us was to follow some of your Google Calendar reset instructions, namely :

1. Delete iCal calendar on iPhone, shutdown and restart phone.
2. Set iPhone Fetch (iPhone / Settings / Mail, Contact, Calendars / Accounts Fetch New Data / Manual).
3. Change all ZuluCalendarList record UUID fields to something new and unique (I made sure that only alphanumeric characters were used - no spaces, hyphens etc).
4. Set the two ZuluCalendarList ShowDates fields to 30.
5. Blank data from all Event record Zulu_UUID and Zulu_ICAL_DATA fields.
6. Recreated iCal calendar on iPhone.
7. Check iCal.
8. Check iPhone.
9. Presuming all is working correctly, change ZuluCalendarList ShowDates fields to 365 (or whatever you need).
10. Set iPhone to pic up all events or whatever you require (iPhone / Settings / Mail, Contact, Calendars / Calendar Sync / All events).
11. Check iCal.
12. Check iPhone.

No doubt a couple of these steps are unnecessary however, after following this process we have all of our calendars working for all of our databases for all of our iOS 5 devices (at least our iPhones - I doubt our iPads will be any different).

Many thanks for your help to date!


Re: Problems with iOS 5 Devices

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:08 am
by JasonYoung
Hi Jon,

Thanks a lot for the details!
