Changed in 3.17

Help, Tips, and Tricks for deploying GoZync: our "sync" engine for FileMaker Go.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:05 pm

Build 3.17 (Dec 18, 2012) adds one new feature to GoZync: it lets you pass up from mobile a set of name/value pairs that can be used when filtering records to pull down to your device. Previously we generally used the logged in Account Name in GoZyncHosted to know who was syncing and filter the found set for them accordingly. And that still works great (and is very secure) if all you need to know is *who* is syncing.

This feature is more for situations when a user may get to select which records they want to sync. For example they may ask to see records from a date range, or appointments for a geographic region they may be visiting tomorrow. These criteria can now be easily passed up to GoZyncHosted and used in your modifications of the "Filter Records to Zync" script there. Instructions on how to take advantage of this are here.

We recommend this for all users of 3.16. Instructions for applying the changes to your file follow.

The Changes

To make these changes please backup your files (really) and then download a copy of 3.17 from our site. You'll copy and paste the following elements from that build into yours. (If you're using a version earlier than 3.16, get that up to 3.16 here before moving to 3.17)

Please follow these steps in order.

SCRIPTS (in GoZyncHosted)...

    Add the following script (copy and paste this from 3.17):

      Receive Filter Criteria from Mobile ( Parameters )

    Modify the following scripts by replacing all the script steps with the steps from the 3.17 version. Note, you've likely modified the first script below, so be careful and only add the line and comment immediately after the comment "If any criteria was passed in from mobile, explode this now. v3.17"

      Filter Records To Zync
      Pull A Single TO (TOName | LastTimeZync | RecordID)

SCRIPTS (in GoZyncMobile)...

    Add the following script (copy and paste this from 3.17):

      Send Filters to Pull

    Modify the following script by replacing all the script steps with the steps from the 3.17 version.

      Pull ( List(ToName|RecordID ) )

Now edit the field Interface::GoZyncCodeBase in GoZyncHosted and change the build number to're all done.

John Sindelar

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