Changed in 3.171

Help, Tips, and Tricks for deploying GoZync: our "sync" engine for FileMaker Go.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:14 pm

Build 3.171 (Feb 27, 2013) adds a number of refinements, bug fixes, and improvements to the logging and testing functions of GoZync, including...

• Cosmetic enhancements to integration files.
• Add the TO name to Pull Logging.
• Hardened against some more unusual table occurrence relationships.
• Improved the way were deleting records on the mobile side.
• Sped up the pulls by changing the way we gather IDs.
• Added "testing mode" to do a sample sync on large tables.
• Improved our logging for developers.

We recommend this for all users of 3.17. Instructions for applying the changes to your file follow.

The Changes

To make these changes please backup your files (really) and then download a copy of 3.171 from our site. You'll copy and paste the following elements from that build into yours. (If you're using a version earlier than 3.17, get that up to 3.17 here before moving to 3.171)

Please follow these steps in order.

SCRIPTS (in GoZyncHosted)...

    Add the following script (copy and paste this from 3.171):

      Reduce Found Count in Testing Mode

    Then add the following script (copy and paste this from 3.171)...

      List Field Values In Found Set ( FieldName )

    …and then replace the contents of this script…

      Get IDs For Found Set (PrimaryIDFieldName, Separator)

    …with the contents of this one from 3.171...

      Get IDs For Found Set (PrimaryIDFieldName)

    …and then change the script name to match

    Modify the following scripts by replacing all the script steps with the steps from the 3.171 version.

      On Connection From Mobile
      Delete Device
      Pull A Single TO (TOName | LastTimeZync | RecordID)
      Process Inbox Packages For This Device
      Delete Selected Items { Auto }

SCRIPTS (in GoZyncMobile)...

    Modify the following script by replacing all the script steps with the steps from the 3.171 version.

      Cache Fields On Layouts (LayoutName; LayoutTableName)
      Pull ( List(ToName|RecordID ) )
      Delete Records Not In The IDs List (IDs)
      Disconnect From Server
      Process Inbox For This Device On Host
      Send Up Package

Now edit the field Interface::GoZyncCodeBase in GoZyncHosted and change the build number to're all done.

John Sindelar

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