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Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:31 am
by brian.curran
Hi all,
I can open my Mobile file on my Macbook, enter a new record and successfully sync it up to the Hosted file.
However, when I try this from my iPad the record doesn't sync to the Hosted file and is deleted from the iPad for some reason.
I'm using the "Zync It - Public API - ( TOName ) { Action ; RecordID }" script with the following parameter:
"TOName = Incidents ; Action = Round Trip"
Any suggestions on why this works from a laptop but not an iPad?
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:34 am
by brian.curran
Additional Info:
Looking at the 'Raw Error Log' in gzHosted, each field has a "101" error. As suggested here: ... singErrors I checked that 'Allow Creation of Records' was 'On' in both the gz files and they are.
What other reasons could there be for a 101 error?
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:33 am
by JasonYoung
Hi Brian,
101 is a FileMaker error for "Record Is Missing" so there's some issue with a reference,
The 101 errors can occur when trying to write the changes to the Hosted file or when writing the package that goes back to the Mobile file, so where in the process it's happening is important to track down what the problem is. If you can't tell for sure, can you paste the log into here and we'll take a look.
Your instincts about making sure Creation is turned on is the right one as that's the most common culprit, but it could be something else as well and hopefully the log will show us the way.
I'm not sure why the same file would work differently as it sounds like the errors are on the hosting side. Are you getting any errors in the mobile file log? The only thing I can think of is the iPad is outside the firewall and the laptop is inside of it, but again that would throw a connection error in the mobile file. It's possible it's permissions as well as that can generate a 101 error although typically we'd see a 200 error for that.
You can disable the deletion of synced records as an option and you may want to do that until we get this figured out, so you won't have to keep entering them in.
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:17 am
by brian.curran
JasonYoung wrote:It's possible it's permissions as well as that can generate a 101 error although typically we'd see a 200 error for that.
Hi Jason,
Thanks for replying. When using the laptop, I was logged in as myself (Admin role) but when using the iPad, I took the lazy route and logged in as a 'Read Only User' because they had a shorter username and password which made it easier for fat finger typing.
I only half tested this to see if it worked so not 100% sure if this was the problem or not.
On another note, I decided to take the plunge and Clone my GoZync files earlier. I'm at the stage now where I'm redoing the Integration but I can't get gzHosted to recognise my files. I tried clicking the 'Scan Layouts' button at the bottom centre but it hasn't made a difference.
Any suggestions? I'm going to try a reboot now as everything else has failed to work...
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:24 am
by JasonYoung
Hi Brian,
Cloning the files would remove any sync records that you set up, so you'll want to import those back in from the original, otherwise you'll need to start that part over.
I believe Cloning should preserve any file references / external data sources from the original, but you may want to check them in File>Manage>External data Sources and reset them there if necessary.
Let me know if that helps,
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:54 am
by brian.curran
Hi Jason,
Could you run your eye over this and see if it all stacks up?
Host (folder)
Local (folder)
GoZyncHosted has the following External Data Sources:
GoZyncLicence = file:GoZyncLicense
MyFile = file:MyFile
GoZyncMobile has the following External Data Sources:
GoZyncHosted = file:../Host/GoZyncHosted
MyFileMobile = file:MyFileMobile
There must be something missing somewhere, as the first step of the integration just says "Unknown.fmp12" When I click it to choose my file, the value list entry states <no values defined>
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:35 am
by brian.curran
Has anyone had a similar issue where the first Integration step cannot find the file even though it's open? Clicking the 'Scan Layouts' does nothing, as does clicking the text that says:
"Don't see the file you
need? It's probably
not open. If it is.. click
This is really frustrating, as I can't get my files back online now. I have a sneaking suspicion that the 3.17.1 update could be at fault here...
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:26 pm
by brian.curran
Hi Jason,
I'm still getting the 101 error when trying to push data from the Mobile file on the iPad. To check whether it was a permissions issue or not, I logged into the Hosted file as a basic user and I was able to create a record manually so this suggests that the basic user has enough privilege?
As requested, the log file:
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::CalledDate\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::CalledTime\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::ArrivedDate\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::ArrivedTime\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::DepartedDate\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::DepartedTime\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::PatrolledExternally\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::PatrolledInternally\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::SignsOfIntrusion\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::FalseAlarm\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::AlarmReset\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::InfoOnPanel\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::EngineerCalledAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::EngineerArrivedAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::EngineerName\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::PoliceCalledAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::ClientRepCalledAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::OtherName\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::FullDetails\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::Comments\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::LeaveAuthorisedBy\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::PoliceOfficer1Name\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::PoliceOfficer2Name\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::ClientRepName\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::ResponseOfficer\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::DataEntryBy\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::FireBrigadeCalledAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::FireBrigadeArrivedAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::FireBrigadeNameOrDetails\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::ReasonsForSpeakingToClientRep\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::ChangesRequired\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::AlarmRestored\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::AlarmRestoredBy\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::AlarmRestoredTime\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::AlarmRelayedBy\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::_kfSiteID\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::LateResponseReason\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::PoliceArrivedAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::ClientRepArrivedAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::OtherCalledAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::OtherArrivedAt\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::IncidentType\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 101 ; $message = "We couldn't set this field \"Incidents::IncidentTiming\"" ; $ScriptName = "Set Fields" ;
$error = 1 ; $message = "We couldn't save a record" ; $ScriptName = "Process (Package)" ;
By the way, I tried it from the Mobile file on my Macbook and the packages processed fine with no errors at all.
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:21 am
by brian.curran
How do I open a support request? I'm pretty sure I've got some pre-billed time paid for and I have two outstanding issues that need fixing as soon as possible.
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:06 pm
by JasonYoung
Hi Brian,
The behavior you're describing from the Hosted file sounds like a bad file reference and if the integration steps are not able to be completed, then it's unlikely it's going to run without errors. However, it sounds like you've got it working from one device and I'm not sure how that can be if the Hosted file is giving you an integration error. In most cases, when we have a device specific problem we think permissions, but I believe you're testing on the iPad and MacBook with the same credentials so that doesn't fit either.
You do have some time on the books. Please send your files to
[email protected] and we'll take a look. We like SendBigFiles.Com for doing this as you get an explicit delete link. Please include the [Full Access] Info and the privilege set it's failing with.
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:31 pm
by brian.curran
Hi Jason,
I had to abandon the gz Clone files and reinstate the original gz files so that I could move on and complete the 'Push' sync from the Mobile file.
I managed to do the above, which appears to be working fine now and I believe Jeff is looking at the problem relating to the gz Clones.
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:01 pm
by JasonYoung
Reverting to a working back-up is always a good move when there's trouble. It looks like it's a permissions issue with the GZM file and I responded from
[email protected]. My guess is that the keychain was coming into play on your MacBook which is always something to keep in mind when testing between devices.
Re: Round Trip syncs delete the new records on an iPad
Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:37 am
by brian.curran
Thanks Jason, I replied to your email earlier...