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Why is a field required on the layout?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:05 pm
by pthomas

I am wanting to use CustomFieldMapping both for speed and because my field names do not match.

I am just wondering why I am required to have one field still on the layouts that I create in GoZyncMobile?

I have run into an issue, in that for some of my tables I literally have 0 fields that have the same name in my hosted and mobile databases - how can I work around this without renaming fields or adding new ones to both sides?

Is there a way to get the sync working with blank layouts?



Re: Why is a field required on the layout?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:40 am
by jeffalmquist
Hi Paul. We do require at least one field with matching names on the gzm_ and gzh_ layouts, even when you're using custom field mapping. You can make a dummy field for this purpose. I apologize for that inconvenience. HTH... Jeff

Re: Why is a field required on the layout?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:46 am
by pthomas
jeffalmquist wrote:Hi Paul. We do require at least one field with matching names on the gzm_ and gzh_ layouts, even when you're using custom field mapping. You can make a dummy field for this purpose. I apologize for that inconvenience. HTH... Jeff

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the response, was hoping for a more elegant work around but this will work.

