I can gather the fields I want to place on my gzh_ and gzm_ layouts with an SQL query something like this:
- Code: Select all
Let ( [
~fs = char ( 9 ) ;
~rs = ">>" & char ( 13 ) & "<<" ;
~q =
List (
" FieldName" ;
"FROM" ;
" FileMaker_Fields" ;
" TableName = ? AND" ;
" NOT FieldName LIKE 'gz_%' AND" ;
" NOT FieldClass = 'Calculated' AND" ;
" NOT FieldClass = 'Summary' AND" ;
" NOT FieldType LIKE '%global%'"
) ;
~sql =
substitute (
~q ;
[ "~param" ; "" ]
] ;
"<<" & ExecuteSQL ( ~sql ; ~fs ; ~rs ; get ( LayoutTableName ) ) & ">>"
which produces a list something like this:
and so on.
My question: does GoZync consider merge fields on a layout as fields that are present on the layout, or will it only consider actual field objects as fields that are present?
My technique will save me a great deal of time hunting and pecking through the Field selector, even with its ability to sort by type.