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Image storage between mobile and hosted?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:39 pm
by Balderd
My client is using iPads to record crop data, including photos, then syncing on return to the office. They want to have 8 years of photo archives, plus current year.

I foresee storage issues on their iPads, so my questions are:

Can I store the images in a separate location on the host, and have the hi-res on the iPad swapped with a low-res version from the host?

I don't need help with the structure (yet), but I am wondering if this kind of synchronization and file swap is feasible using GoZync?

Even a link to some documentation would be much appreciated.

Re: Image storage between mobile and hosted?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:37 pm
by kcembrey
Hi Balderd,

Thanks for reaching out regarding your client's ProZync solution.

Off the top of my head, I'd suggest looking into Custom Field Mapping:

Using that, I believe you could upload the full-res photo field from your mobile file to the hosted file, and download the low-res photo back to the device. This way you wouldn't be pulling any of the full-res photos down to the devices.

GoZync is now being supported by Geist Interactive, our co-authors on this project. I’ve emailed your request to them at [email protected] and they’ll likely comment here with more details or suggestions on how to accomplish this.
