CSS edits suddenly not working

Notes on our latest calendar for FileMaker 13,: DayBack
Posts: 60
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:21 pm
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:51 pm
Yesterday, when I added:

body {
font-size: small;

to the default light CSS, the fonts sized down universally.

Today, not so much. I have not changed anything else in the CSS. Any thoughts why this might be happening?

SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 190
Joined: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:27 pm
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:23 am
Hi Eugene,

Thanks so much for reaching out! We resolved this CSS issue in an email thread, but I want to follow up here in the forum as well.

The rule for body you added was at the top of your theme's CSS file. After moving the rule rule further down the existing CSS, the calendar font sized down as expected.

For more on editing CSS in DayBack, see this link: http://www.seedcode.com/pmwiki/index.ph ... eMaker.CSS

Thanks again!

[email protected]

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