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DayBack not loading in Windows Machines

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:46 am
by martinc
We primarily use windows machines on Citrix Xen Desktop. We upgraded to fm 14.5 and now users are getting what's in the screenshot. A remote Mac seems to work fine. I'm posting this here for the benefit of Windows users that are about to update.
Is there a Window or FM setting that is blocking the viewer?

Re: DayBack not loading in Windows Machines

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:58 am
by martinc
We ended up rolling back to 14.4 and it is working as expected.

Re: DayBack not loading in Windows Machines

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:06 pm
by DanW
Hi Martin,

Thanks so much for reaching out here on this issue. Glad you were able to continue to use the calendar by rolling back to 14.4 on your Citrix Xen desktop.

I will be upgrading to 14.5 on Windows to see if I can reproduce this issue.

Thanks again,

Re: DayBack not loading in Windows Machines

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:49 am
by DanW
Hi Martin,

I upgraded to FileMaker 14.0.5 on my Windows machine, and was able to load the calendar as expected. I tested both opening a local copy of DayBack, and opening DayBack hosted on a FileMaker Server.

I wish I had more info for you regarding this error you experienced after upgrading to FileMaker Pro 14.0.5. At this point, the issue seems unique to your Citrix Xen desktop running FileMaker 14.0.5.

Please keep us posted if you have other questions or run into any other issues.

All the best,