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Different Sources, Different Resources

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 4:04 pm
by eugenet
Hi All,

My client has two clinics in different locations and each one gets its own Filemaker file. I hooked up the Source No 2 to the second location's Filemaker file, but the list of resources (therapists) is different for each location. Currently, the Resources are pointing to the first file's Resources, but when the people who do scheduling switch to show only the second location's calendar, how can i switch to show the second location's therapists?

Thanks on advance for any ideas on this,


Re: Different Sources, Different Resources

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2016 9:37 am
by DanW
Hi Eugene,

Great question here. One option would be to load both locations Resources at startup, and then use DayBack's advanced filter for Resources to display only those resources from one location. You could script changing sets of resources, so that buttons (on the advanced filters layout or next to the calendar webviewer) filters the resources for each of the two locations. Your script might just be two steps: set the FilterGlob_3 field to the desired list of resources and then run the "Apply Filters..." script.

For more info on ways to manage larger numbers of resources, see the link below, under the heading "Managing large numbers of resources". ... .Resources

Let me know if that helps!