Hi Colleen,
DayBack uses a webviewer for the calendar interface. So most scripts will be called from the webviewer. That means you might not necessarily see exactly where some scripts are called from. In this case when the webviewer loads the calendar (triggered from the "Load Calendar Layout" script) the webviewer launches the FileMaker script "Query Events From WebViewer". That script then calls "Insert Events Into Calendar" which in turn calls the "Event Find" script.
It can be helpful to turn on the script debugger to see what scripts are called when to get a better picture of the loading process if you have FileMaker Advance. That being said the "Event Find" script will run any time events need to be fetched from the database. So when the calendar loads, when navigating dates etc. The "Event Find" script also might be running as a PSOS script running on the server if you have the file hosted on an FM server. So if that is the case the script contents wouldn't show up in the script debugger.
I may need more clarification on what you mean by calling conditions but if you mean that we don't have when the script gets called that is by design. Scripts get called from many different places and it would be challenging to maintain script notes for each context possible. We maintain a list of parameters passed into the script. In this case because the script runs server side if the file is hosted on a server those parameters are global vars.
Sounds like you are on the right track to get the calendar hiding the ToDo items how you want it. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Hope that helps,
Tanner Ellen
[email protected]tel. (855) 733-3263
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