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Contacts & Projects Lists not appearing

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 6:51 am
by adhutch
Is there a way to make the Contacts & Projects List appear normally, and use the search only when you're too lazy to scroll through?

I've just gone about embedding Dayback into my Facility Bookings File, and I'm stumped trying to figure out where I make the list of Contacts & Projects appear. See Notes on Attached Screenshot

Appreciate the help... Knowing me, it's probably something very easy that I've missed.

Screenshot 2016-12-13 22.42.15.png
Screenshot 2016-12-13 22.42.15.png (114.54 KiB) Viewed 7311 times

Re: Contacts & Projects Lists not appearing

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:05 am
by kcembrey
Hi adhutch,

Currently, we don't have the option to show all projects/contacts when opening the search drawer. The reason we don't have it do that by default is that if there are a lot of projects or contacts, it would add a considerable amount of time to perform the find in FileMaker to retrieve all results.

I've created a feature request for making it an option to enable this behavior in the DayBack settings. If we do add this feature, you'll see it listed on our version history page here:

If you're not already, you can follow @DayBackStatus on Twitter to be notified whenever we release a new build.

Thank you,


Re: Contacts & Projects Lists not appearing

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:06 pm
by adhutch
Thanks for the Quick Reply.

Thats a bit of relief, I thought I'd made an error embedding the file.