trouble tracking down $$sc_FieldForContactID failure
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:00 pm
I've looked at every field setting and name on Source No 1 (only one)
studied the matrix of variables best I could:
Let ( [
desiredobject = "SourceContactID" ;
valuenumber = PatternCount ( Left ( $sc_SourceObjectNames ; Position ( $sc_SourceObjectNames ; desiredobject ; 1 ; 1 ) ) ; "¶" ) + 1
] ;
$sc_SourceObjectNames= Substitute (
LayoutObjectNames ( "" ; $sc_LayoutName )
; [ "<¶" ; "" ] ; [ ">¶" ; "" ] ; [ "¶¶" ; "¶" ]
If ( GetValue ( $sc_SourceObjectNames ; valuenumber ) = desiredobject ; GetValue ( $sc_SourceFields ; valuenumber ) ; "" )
amazed it just quit, probably with some colon missing or some such.
any advise on plan of attack ... I'm miffed.