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trouble tracking down $$sc_FieldForContactID failure

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:00 pm
by tomswell
presumably this is the focus of fault
$$sc_contact.png (168.32 KiB) Viewed 5440 times
Dragging & Dropping an event quit working and I'm perplexed.
I've looked at every field setting and name on Source No 1 (only one)
studied the matrix of variables best I could:

Let ( [
desiredobject = "SourceContactID" ;
valuenumber = PatternCount ( Left ( $sc_SourceObjectNames ; Position ( $sc_SourceObjectNames ; desiredobject ; 1 ; 1 ) ) ; "¶" ) + 1
] ;

$sc_SourceObjectNames= Substitute (
LayoutObjectNames ( "" ; $sc_LayoutName )
; [ "<¶" ; "" ] ; [ ">¶" ; "" ] ; [ "¶¶" ; "¶" ]

If ( GetValue ( $sc_SourceObjectNames ; valuenumber ) = desiredobject ; GetValue ( $sc_SourceFields ; valuenumber ) ; "" )

amazed it just quit, probably with some colon missing or some such.

any advise on plan of attack ... I'm miffed.

Re: trouble tracking down $$sc_FieldForContactID failure

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:20 pm
by John Sindelar
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the screenshot! It looks like the contact id that you've mapped on the Contacts tab of your Source No 1 layout is incorrect. That should be mapped to the contact id field in your EVENTS table: something like SampleEvents::id_contact. (Where "SampleEvents" is the table occurrence upon which your Source No 1 layout is based.)

It should not be pointing to the contact id field in your contacts table, which is what it looks like is going on in that screenshot.

So I'd head over to your Source No 1 layout, go to the Contacts tab, and double click on that contact id field: selecting a field from the local table instead of from Contacts.

Hope that helps!

- John